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  1. extremely useful to let men see what sin is: how prodigiously vile, how deadly mischievous, and therefore how monstrously ugly and odious a thing sin is. Thus a way may be made (1) For admiring the free and rich grace of God. (2) For believing in our Lord Jesus Christ. (3) For vindicating the holy, just and good law of God, and his condemnation of

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  2. sin, as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one… [F]or all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God… Ephesians 2:3 (ESV) [W]e all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. THE DOCTRINE OF SALVATION 1.

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  3. I. The first general principle: despite the death of sin on the cross, sin remains. 1. Indwelling sin stays with us while we are in this world; therefore we always need to mortify it. 2. Sin not only still abides in us, but it still acts, still labors to bring out the deeds of the flesh. 3.

  4. The active and passive obedience of Christ , as taught in the Westminster Confession, is an area of theology that is much neglected today. This article examines why this doctrine is an important aspect of Reformed, biblical theology. Download Free PDF. View PDF.

  5. Sin is both the overstepping of a line and the failure to reach it—both transgression and shortcoming. Sin is a missing of the mark, a spoiling of goods, a staining of garments, a hitch in one’s gait, a wandering from the path, a fragmenting of the whole. Sin is what culpably disturbs shalom.

  6. THE SEQUENCE OF SIN. In the Bible, sin is discussed under three types. The first type of sin is called Imputed Sin. This is the concept that, when Adam sinned, the whole human race sinned. Thus, when Adam was counted guilty, every human being shares his guilt. These things are mentioned in 1 Cor. 15:22; Rom. 5:12; and Rom. 3:23.

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  8. In a nutshell, one's concept of the holiness of God is directly connected to and governed by his understanding of the exceeding sinfulness of sin. The aim of this doctrinal study is to allow the student to clearly see both the purity of the one and the perversion of the other.