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    • 1. cease to be visible: "he disappeared into the trees" Similar vanishpass from sightcease to be visiblevanish from sightOpposite appearreappear

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  3. (of a person or thing) to go to a place or into a condition where the person or thing cannot be seen: She disappeared into the house. He disappeared for a few hours (= went somewhere unknown). They watched the plane until it disappeared (= could no longer be seen).

    • Disappear in Arabic

      DISAPPEAR translate: يَخْتَفي, يَخْتَفي. Learn more in the...

    • Traditional

      DISAPPEAR translate: 消失;失蹤, 不復存在. Learn more in the...

    • English (US)

      If people or things disappear, they go somewhere where they...

    • Simplified

      DISAPPEAR translate: 消失;失踪, 不复存在. Learn more in the...

  4. to pass from view; to cease to be : pass out of existence or notice; to cause (someone or something) to disappear:… See the full definition

  5. 1. to cease to be seen; go out of sight. 2. to cease being; go out of existence, use, etc.; become lost or extinct. verb transitive. 3. to cause to disappear; specif., to kidnap and execute (persons) in a clandestine program of political terror. SIMILAR WORDS: ˈvanish.

  6. to cease to exist or be known; pass away; end gradually: One by one the symptoms disappeared. (of a person) to vanish under suspicious circumstances: The dictator's outspoken opponent disappeared that evening, shortly after midnight.

  7. disappear. When something disappears, it's gone. To disappear is to vanish, evaporate, or just fade away. The word disappear is made up of dis, meaning "do the opposite of" and appear. So to disappear is to do the opposite of appear.

  8. 1. If you say that someone or something disappears, you mean that you can no longer see them, usually because you or they have changed position. [...] 2. If someone or something disappears, they go away or are taken away somewhere where nobody can find them. [...] 3. If something disappears, it stops existing or happening. [...] More.

  9. If people or things disappear, they go somewhere where they cannot be seen or found: The search was called off for the sailors who disappeared in the storm. I can't find my keys anywhere - they've completely disappeared. disappear behind The sun disappeared behind a cloud.

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