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  1. Feb 14, 2020 · Sonic hatches an ill-advised plan to escape by pushing Tom and Maddie off the building and opening up a ring portal. However, he loses his rings (Sonic fans know that pain all too well) and ...

    • Bradley Russell
    • Overview
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    Sonic the Hedgehog, or simply known as Sonic, is the titular main protagonist of Paramount Pictures' live-action/animated film series of the same name.

    He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog born on an alien planet called Mobius with the rare power to harness chaos energy, giving him supersonic speed. He was forced to leave his home world from evil forces and build a life for himself on Earth, eventually becoming the planet's protector and guardian. He is the film's adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog from the video game franchise.

    Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2

    Sonic has been living happily with the Wachowskis for some time, but growing restless, he has been sneaking out of the Wachowski house and Green Hills to do some vigilante work. His latest adventure has him stopping an armored car robbery in Seattle, but not without causing some damage in the process and requesting to be called "Blue Justice", and being told he sucks as a hero. When he returns to Green Hills, Tom takes him out on a boat trip and calls him out for being reckless and irresponsible by showing him a newspaper on how he destroyed an entire city block while stopping the robbery (despite Sonic saying that the block was already messed up). Sonic says that he was a hero for stopping the robbery, but Tom tells him that he put people in danger and that's not what heroes do. In response, Sonic tells Tom to stop trying to be his dad, which hurts Tom emotionally. Sonic says that he can take care of himself, but Tom tells him that being a hero isn't about taking care of himself, it's about taking responsibility for other people. Until then, Sonic has to be patient until his moment comes to be a hero. Afterwards, Tom and Maddie are leaving for Hawaii to attend Rachel's wedding there, and Sonic provides them a ring portal to get there and an extra ring for Tom to use to allow them to return home after, leaving Sonic with Ozzie to watch over the house. However, after Sonic is forced to clean up his mess before Tom sees it when he calls later, Sonic then prepares to watch a movie with Ozzie, only for the power to go out, then the TV and lights start to act strangely. Ozzie senses trouble, and Sonic goes to check the front door, only to be shocked when the doorknob is sliced off, revealing Dr. Robotnik, having returned from his exile on the Mushroom Planet. Sonic tries to attack him upon being provoked by Robotnik threatening him and his foster family in Tom, Maddie, and Ozzie, but is met by Knuckles the Echidna, Dr. Robotnik's new ally. Sonic is overpowered by Knuckles, who demands to know the whereabouts of the "ultimate power", mentioning that Longclaw knew about it. Before Knuckles can finish Sonic off, Tails arrives and rams Knuckles with a Green Hills Sheriff's Department Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor he had commandeered, stunning Knuckles long enough for Sonic to get aboard and flee with Tails. As they escape, Tails reveals that Knuckles is hunting Sonic for the whereabouts of the Master Emerald, which Sonic thought was just a fairy tale, but Tails reveals it is real, and Knuckles believes Sonic has knowledge of where to find it due to being Longclaw's protégé. Knuckles soon catches up and starts to tear the cruiser apart, but Tails drives it off a cliff, resulting in the cruiser's destruction, but Tails airlifts Sonic to safety while Knuckles is left clinging to the cliff face in frustration. Retreating to Wade's house for refuge, and not telling him about the demise of his squad car, Sonic discovers a final holographic message from Longclaw in his map he escaped to Earth with, which explains everything to him about the Master Emerald, the war between the echidnas and owls for possession of it, and Longclaw entrusting her duty to safeguard it to Sonic. Now feeling this is what his powers were needed for to be a hero, Sonic and Tails depart to Siberia to find the compass that will lead them to the Master Emerald. Arriving at a Siberian tavern full of unfriendly Russian locals, Sonic and Tails try to blend in, but when Tails' Miles Electric accidentally insults the waitress while translating what Tails said from English to Russian, and Sonic makes it worse when what he says to try and calm the crowd down is mistranslated as well, both of them are exposed and are about to be thrown into the fireplace to be burned alive when Tails quickly calls out the Russian phrase for a dance-off. Stunned and surprised by Tails saying the dance-off phrase, the patrons spare Sonic and Tails for the moment, but the stakes are very high: Win, and Sonic and Tails are allowed to go free. Lose, and it is the fire for them. It only gets worse when their opponent gets a hold of the map and refuses to relinquish it unless they beat him. With some quick thinking, Sonic and Tails are able to not only defeat their opponent and win, getting the map back, but earn the respect of the patrons as well, who allow them to spend the night in the tavern before heading out in the morning to find the compass once the weather improves. The next day, they head to the mountain where the temple housing the compass is. After Sonic notices several symbols like on the map from Longclaw and matches them up identical to the ones on the map, the compass is revealed to him and Tails. However, Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik arrive with an armada of Badnik drones, and Sonic is forced to flee with the compass as he is pursued by Knuckles and the Badniks, soon being cornered on a cliff after losing his rings, unable to open a portal with them now to escape. Confronting Knuckles, Sonic learns that he is the last of his kind after the rest of them went off to hunt Longclaw, but never came back. Sonic admits to being in the same boat after losing Longclaw, and this gives Knuckles pause, until Tails captures him, and Knuckles becomes enraged, thinking Sonic deceived him. Thinking fast, Sonic throws the compass to Tails, but Dr. Robotnik intercepts it, before knocking Tails out with a missile, which also triggers an avalanche. Sonic has no choice but to try and save Tails and outrun the avalanche as Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik retreat with the compass. Thinking fast, Sonic contacts Tom in Hawaii, who's in the middle of Rachel's wedding being underway, and Sonic's frantic attempts to call Tom disrupt the ceremony, angering Rachel. Once Tom steps away from the wedding to avoid further trouble and learns Sonic is in danger and needs a ring portal now, he's forced to clock Rachel's husband-to-be Randall to get the ring after he got it switched up with one of the wedding rings earlier with Jojo and use it to save Sonic and Tails, causing them to crash the wedding with the avalanche of snow that follows them through the portal. Tom is furious with Sonic afterwards, but Maddie calms him down as she asks Sonic what happened. Sonic barely has a chance to explain things before he is then captured as the wedding guests reveal themselves to be under Commander Walters, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, as U.S. federal agents of the Guardian Units of Nations. Sonic, Tails, and Tom are captured and taken into the hotel to await transport, but are later rescued by Maddie and a scorned Rachel. Sonic, feeling responsible for nearly getting Tails killed no thanks to him, heads on alone to stop Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik from getting the Master Emerald, but though he arrives in time to intercept them and protect the Master Emerald, Dr. Robotnik uses the distraction of Sonic and Knuckles fighting to get the Master Emerald first, gaining its power before teleporting away and leaving the collapsing ruins to kill Sonic and Knuckles. Seeing Knuckles trapped under a fallen column, Sonic risks his own life and drowning to free him, and Knuckles returns the favor with saving Sonic from drowning. As they recover, Sonic tells Knuckles the same advice Tom gave him earlier and encourages Knuckles that he can have a better chance in life. As they form a new friendship (along with Knuckles squeezing Sonic's hand, much to his annoyance), the two are then rescued by Tails in the Tornado to return to Green Hills. They arrive just as Dr. Robotnik has finished the construction of the Giant Eggman Robot, using the Master Emerald to create it from any technology Dr. Robotnik could get his hands on, be it a passing diesel locomotive and its freight train, or even G.U.N.'s own armored vehicles. When their own individual attacks are unable to make any progress against Dr. Robotnik, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles decide to try a group attack, with Sonic serving as decoy while Tails and Knuckles infiltrate the Giant Eggman Robot to disarm Robotnik of the Master Emerald. Though the plan works and Robotnik is separated from the Master Emerald, Sonic is critically injured, but recovers the Master Emerald before being rescued by Tom and Maddie. However, Dr. Robotnik, putting the Giant Eggman Robot on auxiliary power, stops them from escaping and prepares to crush them underfoot after trapping them in a ring of fire. Sonic tries to get the Master Emerald to help him, but it crumbles in his hands, revealing the seven Chaos Emeralds. Sonic pleads for Tom and Maddie to flee while they still have the chance, but they refuse, reminding Sonic that they are a family. As all three prepare to face their doom, the Chaos Emeralds react and are absorbed by Sonic, moments before Dr. Robotnik brings the Giant Eggman Robot's foot down on them. For a moment, Dr. Robotnik thinks he has won with killing Sonic and the Wachowskis as Tails and Knuckles look on in shock and horror, but then he finds that Sonic had transformed into Super Sonic (due to Sonic's love for Tom and Maddie) and then confronts Dr. Robotnik, slicing off the head of the Giant Eggman Robot to confront him face-to-face with a look of righteous fury on his face to show just how far Dr. Robotnik pushed Sonic to where Sonic dropped all manner of boasting and taunting and was all business now because Dr. Robotnik threatened his adoptive family. Realizing his disadvantage, Dr. Robotnik tries to offer a truce with Super Sonic, but then tries to attack him when he isn't looking. Super Sonic not only blocks the punches without flinching and breaking eye contact with Dr. Robotnik, but destroys the Giant Eggman Robot's arms, much to Robotnik's terrified shock, before puncturing it several times and then, with a simple tap of his foot, sends it toppling backwards with Dr. Robotnik still in it, demolishing it once and for all, while still giving Dr. Robotnik the most hateful scowl Sonic can show for threatening his family. Afterwards, as Tom and Maddie rush to check on Sonic, Knuckles holds them back, fearing Sonic has been corrupted by the Chaos Emeralds, but using his newfound powers, Sonic proves to everyone he's still the same Sonic they know and love as he conjures a chili dog for himself and one for Knuckles to prove him wrong when it splatters on Knuckles' face. Afterwards, Sonic releases the Chaos Emeralds and sends them to unknown locations, deciding that he still needs some growing up before he can wield their power again, while Knuckles recovers the Master Emerald and restores it. With the war between the owls and echidnas over, Sonic offers Knuckles a chance to join him and Tails to form a new group to protect the Master Emerald with, and Knuckles accepts, sealing the deal with a power-bump, forming Team Sonic. With that, Sonic gains two new allies and friends in Tails and Knuckles, and they all share a game of baseball with each other and the Wachowskis before heading off to get some ice cream, with Sonic momentarily returning to the baseball field to recover the Master Emerald they left behind in the cooler. Unknown to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, or the Wachowskis, Commander Walters had been told that, during as G.U.N. erased Dr. Robotnik from their databases, they found a black ops research facility dating back 50 years, which Walters realizes to his dread to be none other than Project Shadow.


    Believing Knuckles was having a difficult time adjusting to life on Earth, Sonic decides to talk to him about it. He tells him how he also had trouble adapting when he first arrived on Earth, but he eventually grew to think of the planet as his new home. Knuckles responds that he does not consider Earth as his home and only stays because of the pact he made with him and Tails, causing Sonic to suggest that Knuckles do something he enjoys when there are no enemies to fight. However this leads to more problems which gets Knuckles grounded, so Sonic tries to cheer him up by showing him activities he can do around their bedroom.

    Sonic's appearance is mostly similar to that of his video game counterpart, being a blue-furred, mobian hedgehog with gloves and brown boots when he was a little child. He later dawns two different shoes, one being green Velcro shoes and the other being white-ish laced shoes.

    After receiving a gift from Jojo, he wears two red Puma shoes with white straps over them, with the Puma logo being yellow.

    Sonic is adventurous, cheeky, lively, fun-loving, and confident. He is a thrill-seeker who enjoys being able to go fast and live freely, which much of his early childhood was spent doing. However, this carefree nature can land him in trouble, as shown when he used his powers in the open despite being told to keep them hidden, allowing an echidna tribe to ambush him and Longclaw.

    He is mostly fearless and cool under pressure, mocking and bantering with Dr. Robotnik during their encounters. Sonic is also very compassionate; after saving a turtle on the road, Sonic takes it for a ride so it can be fast for a change (although he accidentally traumatizes it in the process).

    After being forced to flee his world and live on Earth for ten years, Sonic became extremely lonely, as he was never able to interact with people lest they attempt to take his powers. His loneliness caused him to sometimes talk to himself when he was alone. It also caused him to long for a real friend to connect with (as highlighted in the bucket list he creates), which he eventually found in the form of Tom Wachowski.

    The two quickly bond during their journey to recover Sonic's lost rings, where Sonic gains a better understanding of life on Earth and is thrilled to finally have a friend.

    Sonic is very hyperactive and energetic. He constantly moves around at super-speed and does not sit still for long. For example, he could not resist the temptation to party in the Piston Pit.

    He is also very interested in Earth's culture, and has picked up many interests and hobbies, such as baseball, playing guitar, watching action movies, and reading comic books. Sonic is very enthusiastic about trying new things and enjoys seeing new places. He is very confident, and he sometimes brags about his speed and skills, giving himself the nickname, the "Blue Blur". His confidence also extends to pride in his appearance, describing himself as "incredibly handsome". Sonic also shows a clever, resourceful side.


    •Superhuman Speed: Sonic's main power is his immense superhuman speed as Tails has stated that he is the fastest creature in the galaxy. When Sonic runs, he creates a blue energy trail. He is said to be able to move at supersonic speeds and during his fight with Dr. Robotnik in Egypt, Sonic can even generate sand tornadoes by running around in circles to disrupt Dr. Robotnik's visual contact. He can move so fast that it looks like time has stopped from his perspective as is shown when Sonic took out the thugs including the punk leader during a bar fight and destroying Dr. Robotnik's drones in Transamerica Pyramid, for everyone else, he is like a blue blur,or even travel long distances without any difficulty, like when he ran from a place in Montana to the Pacific Ocean (which is hundreds of kilometers of distance in just a few seconds). As a side-effect of this ability, Sonic also has a super-fast pulse rate, even while unconscious. Sonic is also fast enough to run above water and even leap in-between colossal waves and briefly regain his momentum, until the waves overexerts him to the point of unconsciousness and risk of drowning. •Accelerated Thought Process: Sonic is even capable of thinking and processing information at super speed, being capable of reading through a meter-high stack of The Flash comics in about a second. •Accelerated Perception: Sonic thanks to his speed has a reaction time that is fast enough to counter an incoming attack moving at near lightspeed and make everything in his environment like time stopping. •Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are noticeably better than the average human, allowing him to react to attacks incredibly quickly and accurately. Sonic's shown quick enough to dodge most of Knuckles' rapid punches until he gets caught off guard. •Hypermetabolism: Sonic thanks to his speed, have a fast metabolism. When he was knocked out by one of Tom's tranquilizers, he manages to recover himself from the tranq's effects in minutes. •Ball Form/Spin Attack: Sonic's signature move this is done by rolling and turning himself into a ball, he attacks with his spikes at full speed this allows him to break through objects and he can combine this with his chaos energy. It has enough force to destroy one of Robotnik's mobile vehicles. In his third fight with Knuckles, his spin dash is powerful enough to plow repeatedly through thick layers of stone. •Chaos Energy Empowerment: Sonic is able to naturally emit Chaos Energy from his body to give himself the power of super-speed. He is also capable of harnessing power from the seven Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic. This power seems to be linked to his emotional state. If he feels extreme emotions, Sonic will start generating blue energy that causes his quills and eyes to glow blue and his body to unleash surges of energy akin to lightning bolts. Conversely, should Sonic harness this energiy for himself, this energy seem to amplify his speed, strength and spin attack, providing the latter with enough power to hit the Eggpod hard enough to send it flying in the opposite direction, break down a bank vault's sealed door, and clash with the similarly charged Knuckles. Even if Sonic's quills are separated from him, they will retain some of the energy he creates and react to Sonic's emotional state from a distance; the energy output from these quills is astronomical, with even one of them possessing unlimited power. •Bio-Electrokinesis: Sonic can emit blue colored electricity from his body when using his speed or when he gets very emotional. He can use this to powered up his attacks to become more powerful like with his spin attack. •EMP Blast: By running in a circle at top speed, Sonic can generate an EMP blast. He generated enough EMP to disable the entire Pacific Northwest, and considering each of his quills is said to store unlimited energy, he could potentially be powerful enough to literally shake the universe (also in the second movie, explains that when Sonic did that EMP, the energy generated was feel even in the planet of Tails, which is somewhere in the universe). •Energy Absorption: Sonic can drain his own Chaos Energy from his separated quills by literally pulling the energy out of them, although they will eventually regain their power. He can also absorb energy from lightning Sonic used this in his final fight with Robotnik and his flying vehicle in Green Hills in order to restore his strength. •Superhuman Strength and Durability: Sonic is able to dent objects made of metal or stone without sustaining any damage on his body, but an explosion is enough to knock him unconscious. He is also able to cause significant damage to Knuckles in battle, as well as repeatedly take heavy blows from the former and keep on fighting with little struggle.


    •Survival Skills: Sonic has good survival skills he was able to live alone in the wild on Earth for ten years without problem he was also able to enjoy it from time to time, but he always wanted friends and family. •Dancer: Sonic is a skilled dancer, whether he is dancing by himself or with a partner. •Leadership: He is also a capable leader he inspires others and come up with good battle strategies. •Combatant: Even he has no formal training Sonic possess some skills in Hand-to-hand combat he was able to keep up and adapt to even Knuckles who is known as the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy in combat. However, Sonic's fighting prowess is rather unrefined and crude, as he has undergone no forms of combat training for his entire life. Knuckles has even deemed him unskilled and untrained in the field of combat, but regardless, in close combat, Sonic is extremely self-taught, and highly adept in combat skills during his battle against Robotnik in his Giant Eggman Robot when he's shown to take out the drones. •Snowboarding: Sonic has shown to get the hang of snowboarding rather quickly when pursued by Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik.

    •Portal Rings: Sonic possessed a bag of golden rings that allowed him to open portals to any location he wanted to travel. To use a ring, one just needs to imagine their desired location and throw the ring to open a portal. Unfortunately, Sonic loses his bag of rings during a fight with Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik at the alps.

    •Longclaw's Map: A map Longclaw left to Sonic when she sent him to Earth. It contains instructions on what Sonic needed to do if he was discovered by the planet's inhabitants. It also contained a hidden message from Longclaw about the Master Emerald which would play when Sonic's energy interacted with it.

    •The film was originally scheduled for release on November 8, 2019. However, after negative reaction to Sonic's previous design in the first trailer, which was released on April 30, Paramount Pictures delayed the film to February 14, 2020, pledging to redesign Sonic.

    •Sonic's redesign and Ben's portrayal are well-received by most fans as they felt the blue blur's film appearance were matching his early game's personality.

    •However, some fans also feel that Ben's performance makes Sonic sound too whiny in places, and instead wanted either Roger Craig Smith or Jaleel White to take over the role. Jaleel even admitted that he didn't get a call or email from the film's creators, though he's still confident that he is still a Sonic fan in general. The former however approved of Schwartz's performance.

    •And the film's distribution, Paramount Pictures, is the same studio that distributed the teen film Mean Girls (2004) with actress Lacey Chabert who is the voice of Princess Elise in the infamous video game Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

    •Compared to his game counterpart, specifically in the 1990s, this incarnation of him seems to be one of the goofiest save for having seriousness in half of occasions specifically final battles.

    •When Sonic plays with nunchaku, he wears a headband with the logo from his first game on it.

  2. Tom fights the Egg-Unicycle. Tom, holding a pipe, knocked out this Badnik as Sonic drove the car. Unfortunately, a small helicopter variant shredded off the roof of the car. Sonic got a hold of the drone, but it was revealed to be a sticky bomb. Tom pulled over, helping Sonic with the removal of the bomb.

  3. Sonic watches as Tom and Maddie watch the movie. Dennis Hopper's character, Howard Payne, says the line 'Pop quiz, hotshot!'. Sonic repeats the line from outside and claims it's a classic. Tom and Maddie laugh at the scene as Sonic looks at them happily, wishing he was on the couch with them.

  4. Donut Lord lives with Pretzel Lady. She is super nice to animals and strangely was born without bones.Sonic the Hedgehog Doctor Maddie Wachowski is a veterinarian of Green Hills, Montana and the wife of Tom Wachowski. She helped Sonic on his venture to retrieve his lost rings in San Francisco, also witnessing him fight Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and accepted Sonic into her family as an adopted son. At ...

  5. Sonic the Hedgehog[ b ] is a 2020 action-adventure comedy film based on the video game series published by Sega. The film was directed by Jeff Fowler and written by Pat Casey and Josh Miller, and stars James Marsden and Jim Carrey, with Ben Schwartz voicing the titular character. The plot follows Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog who can ...

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