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  1. EruIlúvatar was the supreme deity of Arda. He was the single creator, above the Valar, but delegated almost all direct action within Eä to the Ainur, including the shaping of the world.

  2. 6 days ago · Eru Ilúvatar is the creator of Eä, the universe in J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings, a God-like being who influences Middle-earth.

  3. When the world adheres to the rules put into place by Eru, he isn't interfering, but just letting the laws of nature do their job. An intervention is actively changing the course of history by acting, like when Gandalf returned from death, the Downfall of Numenor.

  4. Aug 23, 2024 · Eru Ilúvatar, also known as the One, is the single omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent creator. He has been existing eternally in the Timeless Halls and possesses the Flame Imperishable in his spirit which kindles existence from nothingness.

  5. Apr 15, 2020 · The single omnipotent and omniscient creator, Eru Iluvatar was the supreme deity of Arda. He is believed to have been existing eternally and holds an imperishable flame in his spirit that creates existence from nothing.

  6. May 20, 2015 · The Valar would not have considered it grave for Morgoth to deceive men since they knew that men were given by Eru the gift of mortality and to determine their own destiny while living in Arda. It does not make any difference if men live as Morgoth's enemies or allies.

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  8. An eruv (ערוב, pronounced ay-roov), in modern terminology, is a technical boundary that allows Jews to carry in public areas on Shabbat. It is one of those traditions which has blossomed from a basic Torah principle into a highly complicated legal matter.

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