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    • Section 1: Content Marketing as Part of Your Brand Strategy
    • Section 5: Promote Your Content With Paid Media
    • Section 6: Amplify Your Content With Social
    • Why YouTube?
    • Technology is growing more personal
    • Overview
    • Details
    • Content Marketing as Part of Your Brand Strategy
    • Contents:
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Define the core content strategy
    • Define the content creation strategy
    • 1. Know what problem you’re trying to solve
    • Building awareness
    • Influencing consideration
    • Driving online or ofline sales
    • Growing loyalty
    • 2. Know who you are trying to reach
    • 3. Know your brand on YouTube
    • 4. Know the competition
    • 5. Know what success looks like
    • Checklist:
    • 10 Fundamentals to Create Content People Love
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Identify trending subject matter
    • Connect through emotion
    • Appeal to your audience’s values
    • Create ongoing series with break-out potential
    • Why collaborate?
    • Best practices
    • Identify potential collaborators
    • Be discoverable
    • What makes content discoverable?
    • Best practices for discoverability
    • Best practices to achieve accessibility
    • What does consistency mean?
    • Why be consistent?
    • Consistency of voice/Vice
    • Targeting a niche audience/Puma
    • Plan for the long run
    • Why aim for sustainability?
    • Best practices for being sustainable
    • Why make conversational content?
    • Best practices for conversing with viewers
    • Why involve your audience?
    • Best practices for involving an audience
    • Why make authentic content?
    • Best practices around being authentic
    • Strive to be authentic every time
    • Checklist:
    • Schedule Your Content
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Hygiene content
    • Hygiene content best practices
    • Hub content
    • Hub content best practices
    • Hero content
    • Hero best practices
    • Checklist:
    • Optimize Your Content
    • Contents:
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Title
    • Description
    • video description should:
    • Tags
    • Metadata resources and inspiration
    • Thorough description with relevant links
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • General guidelines
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Annotation use cases
    • Annotation best practices
    • Spotlight annotations
    • InVideo Programming annotations
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Playlist use cases
    • Playlist best practices
    • Strategy:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Optimize your channel and brand across YouTube
    • Channel name
    • Channel icon
    • Channel description
    • Channel art
    • What to watch next
    • Recent activity
    • Optimizing for unsubscribed viewers
    • Channel trailer
    • Sections
    • Gain subscribers by promoting your channel
    • InVideo Programming – Channel Promotion
    • Annotations and calls to action
    • Related Channels
    • Checklist:
    • Promote Your Content With Paid Media
    • Contents:
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Efect
    • Paid Media
    • Ad Format
    • Skip Ad
    • TrueView in-stream
    • TrueView in-display
    • TrueView in-search
    • Promotion
    • What are the best campaign tactics to promote new videos?
    • How does a brand target specific audiences with TrueView?
    • Intent-based vehicles for hygiene content
    • Targeted ads for hub content
    • Your Video Ad
    • Orchestrate a multi-channel campaign for hero content
    • Targeting
    • Ads
    • Measuring with AdWords for video
    • Measuring with YouTube Analytics
    • Checklist:
    • Amplify Your Content With Social
    • Contents:
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Develop relationships with top contributors
    • Recognize your community
    • Engage your community on and of YouTube
    • Insights features
    • Insights: Who and what
    • Fans features
    • Fans: Best practices
    • What are Google+ Hangouts On Air ?
    • Innovative uses for Hangouts
    • Hangouts: Best practices
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Efect
    • Optimization
    • YouTube channel on brand website in social media section
    • Strategy:
    • Why It Works:
    • How To Do It:
    • Optimization
    • Checklist:
    • Measurement
    • Contents:
    • Annotations
    • Audience Retention
    • Avatar
    • Bulletin
    • Channel or Channel Page
    • Comments
    • Community
    • End-card or End-slate
    • Engagement
    • Favorite(s)
    • Feed
    • Hangouts on Air
    • Hosted Playlist
    • Like(s)
    • Metadata
    • Optimization
    • Other Channels Module
    • Packaging
    • Playlist
    • Pre-buzz
    • Programming
    • Recommendation Activity
    • Series Playlist
    • Share
    • Suggested Videos
    • Subscriber/Subscription
    • Tags
    • Teaser
    • Templates
    • Tent-pole Programming and Publishing
    • Thumbnails
    • Trafic Source
    • Vlog
    • Watch Page
    • Watch time
    • YouTube Analytics

    Key Steps to Build Your Content Plan Guiding Principles Checklist

    Ignite Earned Media With Paid Media Choose the Right Video Ad Format Optimize Your Video for Paid Promotion Optimize Your Ad Campaign Choose the Right Promotion for Each Content Type Turn Viewers Into Subscribers Measure Your Success Checklist

    Interact With Your Audience at Scale Top Fans Google+ Hangouts on Air Leverage All Marketing Channels Leverage Google+ Checklist

    Online video presents opportunities that television simply doesn’t. YouTube is patronized by a hyper-engaged, highly-connected younger audience who craves the two-way communication YouTube ofers. And unlike TV, YouTube lives everywhere because it’s accessible on hundreds of millions of mobile devices globally. We’ll take you through all the steps...

    Online content helps people express emotion and connect with each other around shared passions. Users want to interact through sharing, commenting and joining a conversation. Your brand can leverage these passions and conversations to forge deeper bonds with consumers.

    Includes: Strategy: Brief description. Why It Works: Reasoning or context. How To Do It: Short explanation of how to implement. Visual Key Guide to: Time Cost: Estimates how much time is required. Effect: Outlines which metrics are affected by optimization. Impact Rating: Estimates how much effect an optimization or strategy will have on outlined m...

    • Provides context and further detail on why this specific best practice is important or how to implement it.

    Follow our guiding principles as you develop your content on YouTube and define how it should fit with your overall brand strategy. Before making videos, create a content plan to ensure that your content both meets your brand’s goals and engages your intended audience. Our five guiding principles will then help you define your content marketing ...

    Key Steps to Build Your Content Plan Guiding Principles Checklist

    Define the role of branded content and YouTube in your brand strategy using our guiding principles before you start your video campaign.

    Your strategy is more likely to succeed when it’s appropriately conceived, targeted and measured. Time Cost

    Identify your audience and your competition, understand your brand, and decide what success will look like.

    Brand Awareness Loyalty Influence Consideration Drive sales Content Plan While this playbook deals specifically with branded content creation and distribution on YouTube, your YouTube content should be part of a broader branded content plan that’s not limited to video or even to digital. A content plan allows you to define the role your branded ...

    First, define a strategically relevant and powerful content territory for your brand. This should lie at the intersection of your audience’s passion points and your brand value proposition. What unique content can your brand bring to your consumers to earn their loyalty? For example, as a brand American Express ofers its members access to unique se...

    As you define your content creation strategy, decide first how to generate the content and then how to structure it. For content generation, a brand can choose between three possibilities: the brand’s own creation, creation in collaboration or the curation of existing content. As regards content creation, we propose structuring three complimenta...

    Define your brand’s priority objectives on YouTube. What role do you want your videos to play in the marketing mix?

    • Will users be able to recall and recognize my brand, product or service after watching the video?

    • Will users consider purchasing my product or service after watching this video?

    • Will users be more likely to visit my website or store or purchase my product after watching this video?

    • Will users be more likely to recommend my brand, product or service after watching this video?

    You know your core audience and your target demographic; now you need to investigate exactly how they behave on YouTube. What videos do they watch? How active are they on social networks? How do they use their mobile devices? Google has several tools to help you research and better understand your audience, including: YouTube Trends Dashboard (See...

    What does your brand stand for with your target demo on YouTube? What do they know about your brand? Do they know what you do or make? YouTube Analytics can help you see how your content is currently resonating (or not) with your target demo.

    Spend some time looking at what your top competitors are doing with their online video content. Visit their YouTube channels and see what’s performed well for them, and look at what they’re up to across the entire digital ecosystem. What are they doing successfully? Where are there opportunities for your brand?

    Now that you’re on the path to making great branded videos, how are you thinking about success? Is success about views? User engagement? Tip Search YouTube for keywords related to your products or services. Which videos are most associated with your category? Is your competition present in the top results? Imagine that you produced the video creat...

    Use the key steps and questions discussed in this section to build your content plan as subset of your Brand strategy. Prioritize your brand’s objectives: awareness, consideration, online or ofline sales, or loyalty. Add video-related details to the audience persona for your target audience on YouTube. What do they watch? What do they like? Resea...

    Develop a creative strategy that will build up your audience and engage them over the long term. A successful creative concept can have an enormous impact on a channel. Compelling videos can bring in new viewers, introduce them to the rest of your content, and build a loyal fanbase. While no strict rules govern content creation on YouTube, ten fun...

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  1. YouTube Channel Optimization Placing keywords in content throughout your YouTube channel is critical to gain ranking for the channel itself. It is also important to keep the channel active in the YouTube community by posting comments on other channels and encouraging communication on your own channel. Here are some specific details on how you

  2. Jun 15, 2024 · You can stream Roku anywhere without any subscription or signups, and Roku’s original content is also free. This post will guide you through the complete Roku Channel List, including a printable PDF file. Let’s start with the Live TV channel lists! 1 Roku Live TV Channels List. 2 News and Weather.

  3. Check out YouTubes channel art templates for specific design guidance. After you upload your channel icon and art, add a channel description, a company email, and links to your company website and other social platforms under the "About" tab.

  4. Channel List and Schedule for all channels on YouTube TV. ... Guide. YouTube : YouTube TV .

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  6. Aug 11, 2021 · In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about creating a YouTube channel. It doesn’t matter if you’re making a personal YouTube channel or a brand channel. The steps outlined in this tutorial are universal. Let’s start!

  1. People also search for