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  1. Mar 10, 2024 · Discover the most memorable quotes from YouTube sensations Sam and Colby. Get inspired by their words of wisdom and embark on an adventure with these inspirational quotes that reflect their adventurous spirit.

  2. Jul 19, 2024 · Need a good laugh? Check out 300 funny quotes to make you laugh out loud and improve your day with a few chuckles along the way.

    • Cutting The Tension
    • Drunk Sam
    • Soulless Sam Has No Empathy
    • Justified Anger About A Lack of Salt
    • Sam Threatens God
    • Playing His Part
    • Oscar-Worthy Performance
    • Groundhog Day
    • Soulless Sam Has No Attachments
    • The Most Iconic Comedic Sam Line

    "I Think You Totally Should Have Been Jamming Eye Of The Tiger Right There."

    Sometimes the intense, emotional moments with Sam and Dean need to be cut with a little bit of humor. This is usually provided by Dean, but here it comes from Sam following a pretty powerful speech from Dean. This is Sammy's response to Dean talking about going out swinging against Lilith and the demons. It is made funnier not only by Dean's jamming out to 'Eye of the Tiger' in "Yellow Fever" but by Dean's response of "Oh, bite me. You know, I rehearsed that speech too."

    "You're Bossy... And Short."

    The boys drink a lot throughout Supernatural'sfifteen seasons, probably an unhealthy amount, but rarely are they shown to be massively drunk. When they are, though, it can lead to some hilarious moments such as this from Sam. It is the unexpectedness that adds to the moment. Coming fairly early in the show, Sam is a straight arrow a lot of the time, not as irresponsible as Dean, which is probably where this insult comes from. It is a funny reversal on the fact that it is usually Sam's tallnes...

    "Third Kind Already? You Better Run Man, I Think The Fourth Kind Is A Butt Thing."

    Season 6 is never ranked as the best season of Supernaturaland was pretty disappointing coming off of the Kripke-era, which was consistently excellent. Nevertheless, it had some great stuff, including soulless Sam, who was hilarious on numerous occasions. This comes in one of Supernatural'swildest episodes ever, "Clap Your Hands If You Believe," and it is spoken to Dean over the phone, who is freaking out about a close encounter. It is one of many brilliant comedic moments and quotes in the e...

    "What Kind Of House Doesn't Have Salt, Low-Sodium Freaks!"

    A lot of the funnier Sam moments that come in his regular day-to-day life are not jokes or quips like Dean, but rather passive-aggressiveness or frustration that is inadvertently funny, such as this dig about a household having no salt. RELATED: 10 Characters Who Make The Best Trio With Sam & Dean In Supernatural It is such a quickly delivered line and one that just oozes annoyance from Sam, who has a point; it is odd for a house not to have salt easily accessible. He gets flustered and frust...

    "No, Not Really. We Have Guns, And We'll Find You."

    Back in the Kripke-era, before he was Supernatural's most powerful and arguably evilest villain God, Chuck was a prophet and the writer of the Supernaturalnovels, a meta storyline that infuriated Sam and Dean. After witnessing a Supernatural convention - and, of course, hunting during it - Sam says Chuck can continue to publish books before quickly revealing he was lying and threatening God himself with guns. It was funny at the time but is even more so in hindsight, given everything fans kno...

    "I've Got Genital Herpes, But Now I Take Twice-Daily Herpexia To Reduce My Chances Of Passing It On."

    One of Supernatural's best and funniest episodes of the Kripke-era is "Changing Channels,"which requires Sam and Dean to play their roles at the behest of the Trickster, whether that be in a procedural cop show, Dr. Sexy, or a herpes medication commercial. The combination of Dean's glee at Sam's despair and Sam's hesitant delivery as he looks right into the camera makes this a highlight comedic moment in the episode. The Trickster, more than all the other villains outside of Crowley, really k...

    "If There's A Key, There Has To Be A Lock."

    "The French Mistake" is one in a handful of brilliantly executed meta episodes in Supernatural's run and sees Sam and Dean have to act as Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles on the set of Supernatural. RELATED: 10 Best Sam & Castiel Moments, According To Reddit The premise just begs for hilarious moments, and it is clear the performers involved are having an absolute ball. This quote comes when Sam and Dean are forced to put their method on and act in front of the cameras. It takes talent to ac...

    "Right, You're A Mind Reader. Cut It Out, Sam. Sam! You Think You're Being Funny, But You're Being Really, Really Childish. Sam Winchester Wears Make-Up. Sam Winchester Cries His Way Through Sex. S...

    "Mystery Spot" is another entry in the catalog of hysterical Supernatural episodes. It is one of Sam's best episodes in the show, with most of the humor in the episode coming through his anguish at being stuck in a time loop where he has to watch Dean die over and over and over again. This quote comes when Sam is verging on losing his mind, and both he and Dean speak it in unison. It is another well-executed comedic moment by both actors and is a standout moment in an episode that gives fans...

    "Oh, No, Like Half An Hour Ago."

    One of the funniest things about soulless Sam is his stoicism and sheer lack of empathy that leads him to deliver great, sometimes even ridiculous, lines in such a deadpan manner. This is in reply to UFO hunters who enquire about Dean's abduction and if it happened when Sam was a child, with them assuming that is the case thanks to Sam's also hilarious "I've had time to adjust." The moment is made all the funnier by his subsequent hooking up with the UFO hunter.

    "I Lost My Shoe."

    Some quotes in Supernaturalhave and will continue to stick in fans' minds, being synonymous with the characters who speak them, such as "Hey, Assbutt!" or "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." This quote is one of Sam's most iconic. Like most of Sam's funniest quotes, this comes through bizarre circumstances, this time through a bad luck curse thanks to a rabbit foot, coming in one of Supernatural'sfunniest and most memorable episodes, "Bad Day At Black Rock." It is hilariousl...

  3. Mar 12, 2024 · By Bellamy Richardson. Updated Jul. 30, 2024. Let these humorous and uplifting quotes about work, life and love motivate you to get through the day. Would you rather scroll funny cat...

    • "It's spectacu-lacu-lar." Remember that time Sam and Dean (Jensen Ackles) got themselves checked into a mental institution just by telling the doctor about their lives (of course, it was to find a monster inside)?
    • "If it bleeds, you can kill it." Sam has never liked clowns. In "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie", Sam has his worst run-in with clowns yet. For one, they're everywhere.
    • "Yesterday was Tuesday..." For most, the dreaded day of the week is Monday. For Sam, it's Tuesday. Sam lived many, many of the exact same Tuesdays in a row.
    • "I think the fourth kind is a butt thing." Soulless Sam was brutal and cold, but he definitely had his funny moments. While Dean is being chased by what he believes is a UFO, Sam nonchalantly talks with him on the phone.
  4. Oct 30, 2023 · Funny Inspirational Quotes: 1. “Hope for the Best. Expect the worst. Life is a play. We’re unrehearsed.” Mel Brooks . 2. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing; that’s why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar . 3. “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” Elbert ...

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  6. Jun 13, 2022 · 140 funny inspirational quotes that will help you to reduce your stress and relight your motivation right now.

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