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  2. ( a.) Possessing or exhibiting majesty; of august dignity, stateliness, or imposing grandeur; lofty; noble; grand. Greek. 3169. megaloprepes -- befitting a great one. ... megaloprepes Phonetic Spelling: (meg-al-op-rep-ace') Short Definition: magnificent, superb, transcendent Definition: magnificent, superb, transcendent, majestic ...

  3. Dec 18, 2022 · God shows himself majestic through the heavens and through humans (and in particular the ones we might least expect, the humble, those who seem least majestic). “The point is not how great is man, but how graced is man — and how great is God.”

  4. Mar 29, 2023 · The word “majestic” is used to describe the glory and splendor of God. In the Bible, God is often described as being majestic in His power and might. Other words that are often used to describe the majesty of God include “awesome”, “powerful”, and “great”.

  5. But can we get clear on the actual definition of "majesty?" The English word "majesty" comes to us from the Latin word maiestas , which means "greatness or dignity." In the Hebrew original of Psalm 93, the word translated into English as "majesty" is ge’ut (pronounced guh-OOth).

  6. 1090 God, majesty of. The greatness and splendour of God, revealed in his creation and mighty works of deliverance. On account of his majesty, God is worthy of praise and adoration from all people. Heb 8:1 See also 1Sa 15:29; Ps 24:10 The word translated “glory” also means “majesty”; Heb 1:3-4.

  7. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: megaleiotes Phonetic. Spelling: (meg-al-i-ot'-ace) Short Definition: majesty Definition: (divine ... // - 6k. 3169. megaloprepes -- befitting a great one.

  8. Discover the meaning of Majesty in the Bible. Study the definition of Majesty with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

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