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  2. Discover the meaning of Treasure; Treasurer; Treasury in the Bible. Study the definition of Treasure; Treasurer; Treasury with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  3. Discover the meaning of Treasury in the Bible. Study the definition of Treasury with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  4. Discover the meaning of Treasury, (Of Temple) in the Bible. Study the definition of Treasury, (Of Temple) with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  5. TREASURY OF THE TEMPLE. 1. Location. Solomon’s Temple contained a place for storing gifts of gold and silver dedicated to the use of the house of the Lord (1 Kings 7:51). Most ancient sanctuaries had a treasury attached to them. The opisthodomos served as the treasury for the Parthenon at Athens.

  6. Apr 24, 2020 · The English word "treasury" is translated from the Heb. "אוֹצָר", "otsar". (Strong's Heb. 214). The definition is treasure, store, treasury, or storehouse. Source: Biblehub. It was the collection of all coin and goods for the operation of the tabernacle. Excerpt from the Benson Commentary -

  7. These words spake Jesus in the treasury — Which was a certain part of the women’s court, where the chests were placed for receiving the offerings of those who came to worship; and consequently was a place of great concourse.

  8. A place or building in which stores of wealth are deposited; especially, a place where public revenues are deposited and kept, and where money is disbursed to defray the expenses of government; hence, also, the place of deposit and disbursement of any collected funds. 2. ( n.) That department of a government which has charge of the finances.

  1. Non-religious explanations and history. Stories. Dimension of Life explained. Good read. An explanation of what it was about, how it came together, what ancient mystery is about.

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