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  2. Jan 30, 2023 · Our sufficiency is of God means that none of us are fit, capable, or satisfactorily qualified by our human efforts or aptitudes to minister to the hearts of lost people. Only God can enable us or make “us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant” (2 Corinthians 3:6, ESV).

  3. Jun 14, 2024 · Answer. The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. To say the Scriptures are sufficient means that the Bible is all we need to equip us for a life of faith and service. It provides a clear demonstration of God’s intention to restore the broken relationship between Himself and humanity through ...

    • The Bible Alone Has The Answers to Life’S Most Important Questions
    • Information About God Was Sufficient at All Stages of Human History
    • We Do Not Need Some Authority Figure to Interpret The Bible For Us
    • God Would Not Give Us A Confused Revelation
    • The Creeds and Church Councils Are Insufficient to Establish Truth
    • Jesus Assumed That The Scriptures Were Sufficient to Answer Our Questions
    • The Bible Has Proved Sufficient For Us
    • Practical Implications from The Doctrine of The Sufficiency of Scripture

    The Bible contains the things which God thought that we humans should know on a number of different topics. His teaching on any subject is sufficient for us. We do not have to go elsewhere to find answers. The Bible says that the faith has been once and for all entrusted to believers. Jude wrote: Consequently, people are able to search the Bible fo...

    Through the various stages of human history, God has given His people sufficient information to believe in Him. They always have had enough information to know that He existed as well as what He required from them. Consequently, they were never left in the dark about God’s existence or how He expected them to behave. For example, Adam and Eve were ...

    Sometimes it is argued that the Scriptures are not clear in and of themselves. Believers need some type of external authority to properly interpret and understand its teaching. This may come from some church, a creed or the teaching of some church leader. However, the facts speak otherwise. The Bible is able to be understood by the great majority o...

    There is something else. It is unreasonable to say, as some have done, that God would give humanity a revelation of Himself that could not be understood by the masses. To the contrary, the Bible is written in such a way that people in every age are able to understand it. Jesus made this point clear when He spoke of the nature of God the Father. He ...

    Although some claim that creeds, or the conclusions of church councils, are alternatives to Scripture, they cause more problems than they solve. Creeds and councils, no matter how orthodox, are still the pronouncements of human beings. There is no guarantee that any pronouncements they make are to be considered infallible. The Holy Scripture alone ...

    The answers to the basic problems that humanity faces, such as identity, purpose and destiny, can be found in the pages of Scripture. Jesus acknowledged that the religious leaders of His day did search the Scriptures to find answers to these questions. He said: While Jesus condemned the religious leaders for a number of their practices, He did not ...

    We also should note that the Scriptures have proved themselves to be sufficient. Those who read and study the Bible discover that the Scripture provides everything necessary to understand the plan of God and live a godly life. Peter wrote: The psalmist equates God’s blessing with obeying His Word. He wrote: This is a further indication that obedien...

    The doctrine of the sufficiency of the Bible has a number of important implications for believers. They include the following:

  4. Definition. Scripture is sufficient in that it is the only inspired, inerrant, and therefore final authority for Christians for faith and godliness, with all other authorities being subservient to Scripture. Summary. The sufficiency of Scripture is a doctrine challenged on multiple fronts.

  5. May 3, 2022 · Sufficiency doesn’t mean that it contains everything exhaustively related to the Christian faith—only that it contains matters necessary to salvation (e.g. the articles of faith). So, sufficiency doesn’t mean that Scripture contains all possible knowledge—either word for word or implicitly.

  6. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

  7. The sufficiency of Scripture is the biblical teaching that the Bible is all the revelation that is needed to equip believers for Christian life and service. Scripture reveals who God is, who we are, our broken status before God, our way of redemption, and the way we are to live as those redeemed by God.

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