1. (of a person or area) made poor: "impoverished villages"Similarpoorpoverty-strickenpennilesspenuriousdestituteindigentimpecuniousneedypauperizedin distressed/reduced/straitened circumstancesin wantin needdown and outon the breadlinebankruptruinedinsolventwiped outcleaned outbrokenwithout a penny to one's nameinformal:brokeflat brokeon one's uppersstrapped (for cash)busthard upwithout two pennies/farthings to rub togetherwithout a beanwithout a souas poor as a church mouseon skid rowstony brokeskintwithout a shot in one's lockeron one's beam endsrhyming slang:boracic (lint)informal:stone brokewithout a red centrare:beggaredOppositerichwealthy