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  1. › wiki › Hao_HaidongHao Haidong - Wikipedia

    Hao Haidong is a former Chinese international footballer and the record top goalscorer for China with 41 goals. He played for Bayi, Dalian Shide and Sheffield United, and won six league titles and two Chinese FA Cups.

  2. Jun 7, 2020 · China's leading all-time goalscorer calls for the downfall of the Communist Party in a YouTube video on the Tiananmen Square anniversary. His comments sparked censorship and backlash from state-run sports sites and authorities.

    • Luis Paez-Pumar
  3. Jun 6, 2020 · 郝海东中国传奇球星疾呼推翻中共” 轩然大波中的四个问题 - BBC News 中文. Reuters. 2004年郝海东在绿茵场上发飙. 2020年6月6日. 郝海东,一代中国球迷的集体记忆。 绿茵场上,他曾屡次创下“中国第一”;场下,他以敢言获“大炮”绰号、圈粉无数。 近日,这位昔日中国足坛的锋线宿将再次出现在聚光灯下:在政坛发起攻势、引起巨大冲击波。...

  4. Jun 4, 2020 · Retired Chinese soccer player Hao Haidong has angered the country’s leadership by allying himself with an eccentric billionaire who has called for the downfall of the Communist government.

  5. Jun 7, 2020 · A retired Chinese soccer star has openly called for the downfall of Chinas ruling Communist Party, in what he says was the “biggest and most correct decision” of his life.

  6. Jun 5, 2020 · The former China national team captain and top scorer is accused of violating laws and regulations after videos of him expressing anti-Communist views emerged online. Hao, who played for Sheffield United and Guangzhou Evergrande, is also banned from Weibo and has no media coverage in China.

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  8. 郝海東 (1970年5月9日 —),男, 山东 青岛 人, 中華人民共和國 退役 足球 运动员,曾經效力於 八一 及 大连万达 兩家 足球會,亦曾經多次入選 中國國家男子足球隊,是活跃于1980年代至2000年代的中国著名职业 足球 选手,2020年,因参与创立 新中国联邦 而成为中华人民共和国 持不同政见者。 现居西班牙 [2][3]。 生平. 1980年10月,郝海东入选八一少年足球队 [4]。 1986年,进入八一队効力。 1995年,郝海东因在中國國家隊與佩納羅爾隊的友誼賽中表現出色,他所在的八一隊收到了來自 佩纳罗尔 的邀请,因而他曾經有机会留洋去乌拉圭联赛踢球。 但是在郝海東未知的情況下,轉會邀請被八一隊高層撕毀。