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    • In the Future. To start with, we recommend using “In the future” in your writing. This could be a great way to include it in an essay. Generally, this works well because it shows how you expect things to change later.
    • Henceforth. For an email alternative, try using “henceforth.” This is a great professional way to say “moving forward” that helps to explain how some things might change in the future.
    • In the Coming Days/Weeks/Months. Another way to say “moving forward” is “in the coming days/weeks/months.” Of course, you can select the timeframe based on how long something is expected to take.
    • In the Next Phase. Another great phrase to include in your writing is “in the next phase.” This works well from a business perspective because it shows how you plan to take on a project.
    • “Every great journey begins with one step and it begins with moving forward, turning on the engine, and shifting into the right gear at the right time.
    • “Anything that has us mastered will not only slow us down from moving forward but, if it goes unchecked, will also eventually cause us to start moving backward.”
    • Moving forward is one of the most important decisions we can make in life, because it allows us to grow, learn new lessons, have more energy, enjoying more peace, and overcome our adversities.”
    • “Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.” Theodore Roosevelt.
    • Be intentional. As you realize you're stuck in the past, you may have a realization that something needs to change in order for you to move forward. Personal growth and progress always starts with an intention—a wanting and a willingness to do something differently in order to get a different result.
    • Take the time to process your thoughts and emotions. Understand that healing is not linear, and letting go takes time. After all, we can't change the past, and we may never be the same—but that doesn't mean we have to stay stuck.
    • Work with an affirmation or mantra. Affirmations and mantras can be a powerful tool to help "rewire" negative thought loops, priming the brain to look for and believe in what it is you're telling yourself, which is why Richmond recommends them for letting go of the past.
    • Cultivate mindfulness. We may not even realize we're stuck in the past if we aren't consciously aware of the thoughts that run amok in our minds. As such, Spinelli says, mindfulness is an important practice for letting go of the past.
    • Take A Step Back
    • Get Specific
    • Reconnect to Your Why
    • Brainstorm Your Options
    • Take A Brain Break
    • Let Go of What’s Not Working
    • Know What You Need to Get Unstuck
    • Shift Your State
    • Take Action
    • Reach Out For Help
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    Your first step forward when you feel stuck is to take a step back. Often, we try to get unstuck by pushing forward with sheer force or just trying harder. But as Einstein said, Access a different level of thinking by assessing your current situation from a new viewpoint. Whenever I’m working with clients who feel stuck, this is the first thing I a...

    It’s hard to move forward until you fully understand why you are stuck. You have to get specific and identify what’s really going on. You must name it to tame it. A great mentor of mine once said, For example, there are big differences between, “I feel stuck” and “I feel stuck because I’m overwhelmed with the details” or “I feel stuck because I’m w...

    Feeling stuck is often because you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture and what’s important. You’ve lost your why. Why did you start this in the first place? What reasons, values, or passions drove you to make this change in your life? What picture do you have for yourself, your business, and your life? By reminding yourself of your original intent...

    We often feel stuck because we don’t see any way out from our current situation — we feel we don’t have what it takes to start opening up new doors and further our personal development. By brainstorming ideas and possibilities, you expand your mind and open your thinking to finding a new solution. When you can see potential options, you won’t feel ...

    Full disclosure, I’m stealing this strategy from my 7-year-old daughter’s second-grade teacher. The other night I was helping my daughter with homework. She was getting super frustrated and wasn’t sure what to write in a letter to her big buddy. She was on the verge of tears when she looked up and asked, “Mom, can I take a brain break?” She got up ...

    Have you ever walked through the mud and had your boot get stuck and your foot fly out? When this happens, you usually have two choices: either put your boot back on and keep plodding through, repeating the frustration as it continually gets stuck, or you can take off that boot and move forward. The same is true in life. When we get stuck, we often...

    We all have a way in which we operate that is unique to us. When you understand how you’re wired, you can understand more specifically what you need to get unstuck. For me, I need a crystal-clear picture of what I’m trying to achieve and a big, tangible goal to reach for.When I don’t have a clear picture of the end result or challenging target I’m ...

    Instead of placing all your focus and energy on the problem, shift your focus and energy to another part of life. Go do something that brings you joy; spend time with someone you love. Do anything to shift your state and mood. This will switch your downward cycle of doom and gloom into an upward cycle of hope and possibility. A great way to shift y...

    Getting into action is critical to getting unstuck. There’s no substitute for momentum. Action enables further action, while inactivity creates inertia, self-doubt, and confusion. Successful people know this, which is why they continuously push out of their comfort zone. I love this quote from Simon Sinek: My client Marcus (not his real name) had j...

    We can all use a little help when we’re stuck. This might be talking to a good friend who knows and understands you or reaching out to get advice from someone who’s been in a similar situation to yours. Maybe it’s hiring a coach who will ask powerful questions to help you see things from a different angle, a therapist who can uncover hidden roadblo...

    Learn 10 strategies to overcome the challenges and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams. From taking a step back to brainstorming your options, these tips can help you find your way forward and unstuck yourself.

    • Don’t give up. Once you quit, it is never quite the same. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or your life, you are in charge of your choices. Giving up may enter your mind, but find some way to keep going, even if you have to do things a little differently.
    • Take it one day at a time. It can be tough going in this world we have created. Former lovers sue each other, companies fire people to increase the bottom line, and there are evil people out there who get their kicks by hurting others.
    • Love and prosperity can come in a New York minute, so be ready. You really do never know what tomorrow will hold. I have seen things change drastically, and for the better, overnight.
    • Stay positive. The world is not your enemy. Albert Einstein once said, “We all need to see the universe as friendly.” This is true wisdom from a great man who knew more about the nature of things than most anyone.
  1. Sep 29, 2023 · Wondering how to stay motivated? Here are 41 motivation tips to help you keep your spirits up by moving forward.

  2. Sep 14, 2023 · 80 quotes on moving forward + my own 5 favorite tips that will help you to let of the past and to move towards your goals, dreams and what you want out of your life.

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