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  1. I’m David B. Green, a writer and editor at Haaretz English Edition, in Israel. I began this blog in late 2022 in order to talk about an extraordinary family of artists from the Israeli Arab city of Umm al-Fahm.

    • David Green is an evangelical Christian. Hobby Lobby owner David Green has been described by Forbes magazine as “the largest evangelical benefactor in the world”, and says that his entire $5.1 billion (£3 billion) empire belongs to God.
    • He has absolute faith in the truth of the Bible. Part of the argument in the Supreme Court has stemmed from how “life” is defined in terms of contraception, with the Green family saying that only four of the 20 devices and drugs stipulated in Obamacare contravene their beliefs.
    • He objects to Obamacare rules requiring businesses to provide a list of 20 different contraceptive methods to their employees. “People are saying that we’re taking the rights from somebody, there’s no way we are taking anybody’s rights away – it’s our rights that are being infringed upon by requiring us to do something that’s against our conscience,” Green said in a video produced by Hobby Lobby ahead of the case.
    • He funds Christian education systems. Green has said he wants to be remembered more for his influence on people’s religion than for his business empire, and this is no more evident than in his vast funding for evangelical education.
    • Black & Queer: A Hearing en Masse
    • Movement in Black: Always
    • Coda: Still Hearing

    Whenever I recall hearing Alicia Garza sharing that, in response to Trayvon Martin’s murder — and the killing of black people by police officers across the United States — I not only think of how she did things with words, to evoke J.L. Austin, but how, in her efforts “transforming silence in to language and action,” I hear so many of the black que...

    The political immediacy of BLM launched social justice frameworks particular to the experiences of black women. Most notably, BLM led to the #SayHerName restorative justice anthem and, arguably, discourse around #BlackGirlMagic and #BlackExcellence. BLM lives against and radically resists the regime of racism that leads to black death. Towards this...

    Hearing the queer roots of the Black Lives Matter means hearing the multiple ways that black queer people wrote, organized and publicly spoke about freedom, liberation, and justice. The last decades of the twentieth century is only a sliver of a much longer history through which to understand why and how black queer folks have always said, without ...

  2. Oct 26, 2023 · David B. Green is a writer and editor at Haaretz English Edition. Sunday. 14 Apr 2024. David B. Green. Netanyahu’s political survival is his top priority.

  3. Oct 13, 2023 · David B. Green. Follow. Oct 13, 2023. “Beyond the furrow of the border surges a sea of hatred and revenge, revenge that looks toward the day when the calm will blunt our alertness, the day when we shall listen to the ambassadors of malign hypocrisy who call upon us to lay down our arms….

    • David B. Green
  4. 1. How far might Netanyahu go with Iran? He's built a career warning of the existential threat the Islamic Republic poses to Israel. Could the Israeli leader use a war with Iran to save that… Apr 15 •. David B. Green. 1. What You Are Getting Wrong About Israel, According to Nathan Thrall.

  5. Oct 15, 2023 · David B. Green. Oct 15, 2023. Share. I found myself wondering a lot this past week about the “Otef Aza” — Gaza Envelope — communities, the towns and settlements, many of them kibbutzim, that were the victims of last Saturday’s mass massacres.

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