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  1. Nov 11, 2010 · A methodical and extremely pleasurable slow blowjob. Always worth it no matter what the cost. (From an episode of Blue Mountain State.)

  2. A Slow-blow fuse is a type of fuse which can handle a temporary surge current which exceeds the current rating of the fuse. A slow-blow fuse does not blow for a temporary surge current; it must receive a sustained elevated current above its current rating for a period of time before it blows. This is why it is called a slow -blow fuse.

  3. Jan 14, 2012 · The accumulated heat from adjacent sections helps blow the fuse. The slow blow fuse has "thermal inertia" whereas a fast blow has a very short thermal time constant. Many slow blow images Here - all glass ones that I looked at have spiraled wire. Typical slow blow fuse. Here the coiled structure is clear.