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  1. May 4, 2014 · Member Emeritus. New York City. English - US. May 4, 2014. #3. In AE, too, we'd use with, not "in". I don't think that wild is exactly the same as reckless. At least to me, "wild" seems merely descriptive, while "reckless" hints of being heedless of possible dire consequences. B.

  2. Nov 3, 2007 · Reckless abandon is a polite, almost tongue-in-cheek way of saying "rash." Eg. "He had just met her and for two weeks he courted her with reckless abandon." In its literal meaning it would mean the ultimate rash. It is scarcely used in conversation, but you will see it used in literature, both fiction and non-fiction.

  3. Mar 9, 2007 · wet and reckless - it's driving after you've consumed alcohol but without getting nailed with heavy penalties. I've heard it as: manejar bajo los efectos de alcohol sin sanciones graves. Or, manejar despues de consumir alcohol.

  4. Jun 7, 2020 · Chinese. Jun 7, 2020. #1. Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. The Charles Dickens Page - Oliver Twist Asks for More . I understand the above sentence as: Though he was a child, he was desperate because he was in hunger, and reckless because he was in misery. Am I right?

  5. Sep 20, 2006 · Hola a todos, La frase del asunto la encontré en estos contextos: "After her state given lawyer arrest the men charges them **reckless endargement** not rape and they sentenced only 8 months in prision." "warning shot" (sic) is NOT reckless endargement unless other criteria are met"...

  6. Jul 21, 2011 · RECKLESS: Grossly careless or negligent; re reckless adj. in both negligence and criminal cases, careless to the point of being heedless of the consequences ("grossly" negligent). Most commonly this refers to the traffic misdemeanor "reckless driving." It can also refer to use of firearms (shooting a gun in public place), explosives, or heavy ...

  7. Oct 24, 2011 · Los Angeles, California. English, USA. Oct 24, 2011. #4. Inconsiderateness is a violation of social norms such as playing loud music late at night and keeping the neighbors up or making someone wait for you at a restaurant. Recklessness is thoughtless behavior that usually carries with it the risk of real physical or financial harm.

  8. Apr 27, 2014 · I'm not sure why you've added on the end, or dropped "that" earlier on. Serling’s account of his employer’s reckless decision-making belies (puts the lie to, contradicts) that/the company’s image as a cautious bureaucracy full of wary managers. It is a cautious bureaucracy precisely because all its managers are wary (possibly wary of ...

  9. Sep 11, 2008 · Member. Hola! A ver si alguien me puede ayudar con esto: "...with a reckless disregard for the safety of human life." Mi intento: "...o con total indiferencia por la seguridad de la vida humana." Mi duda surge porque no sé si usar "indiferencia", "imprudencia" o "negligencia" y cómo quedaría la frase si uso alguna de estas otras opciones.

  10. Nov 14, 2006 · Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. español- Argentina. Nov 14, 2006. #2. Knowingly and willingly: significa doloso (que se una más pare delitos) o tb lo he visto como " a sabiendas". In reckless disregard: no mal no recuerdo es negligencia grave.... ESPERO QUE TE SIRVA, SALUDOS.

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