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  1. George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26 1856 in Dublin Ireland the son of a civil servant. Although he was best known for drama, he was also proficient in the areas of journalism, music and literary criticism. He began his literary career as a novelist. Shaw’s works concerned themselves mostly with prevailing social problems, specifically ...

  2. The International Shaw Society’s Summer Symposium will convene in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ONT, July 19-21, 2024. Because the conference in Dublin – “Bernard Shaw’s Ireland,” June 5-7 – will serve as a primary site of Shaw scholarship

  3. George Bernard Shaw. (1856-1950), Playwright. Sitter in 148 portraits. Artist associated with 8 portraits. Shaw was an Irish-born playwright, critic of the arts, socialist and member of the Fabian Society. Shaw's influence was felt widely in politics and society. During his early career he wrote important musical and dramatic criticism and ...

  4. George Bernard Shaw and William Morris Shaw was a great friend of William Morris and held a lifelong commitment to the older man's ideals. Shaw's Corner was furnished with Morris & Co textiles – and the house is still home to a few of the originals.

  5. George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950), known at his insistence as Bernard Shaw, was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist. His influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond. He wrote more than sixty plays, including major works such as Man and ...

  6. George Bernard Shaw ( Džordžas Bernardas Šo, kitaip dar Bernardas Šo, 1856 m. liepos 26 d. – 1950 m. lapkričio 2 d.) – vienas iškiliausių airių dramaturgų, 1925 m. gavęs Nobelio literatūros premiją .

  7. George Bernard Shaw, known as Bernard Shaw, was an Irish critic, playwright, political activist, and polemicist. He started influencing the theater, politics, and culture of the West from the 1880s till his death, and even after his death. Bernard Shaw contributed more than sixty plays to English literature.

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