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  2. Antwerp was the first port to be captured by the Allies in near perfect condition, making it very valuable, especially with its deep water facilities. On 6 September, the 4th Canadian Armoured Division crossed the border with Belgium and took areas around Ypres and Passchendaele .

    • 2 September 1944-4 February 1945
    • Allied victory
    • Belgium
    • Belgium liberated from German occupation
  3. Antwerp was liberated 75 years ago. Take a look at the timeline of 'Antwerp remembers' and learn more about the turbulent history of the war and the liberation.

  4. With northern France just won, Allied troops under general command of the Canadians pushed into Belgium in early Sep 1944. Major cities of Brussels and Antwerp were liberated quickly, and the V-1 rocket launching bases nearby fell along with the cities.

  5. › wiki › AntwerpAntwerp - Wikipedia

    Antwerp remained under German occupation until the Armistice. A few years later, Antwerp hosted the 1920 Summer Olympics. During World War II, the city was an important strategic target because of its port. It was occupied by Germany on 18 May 1940 and liberated by the British 11th Armoured Division on 4 September 1944.

  6. On 4 September 1944, the first British tanks rolled into the city of Antwerp. After skirmishes on Meir and in the city’s central park, the British troops soon gained control of the city centre. While an ecstatic crowd took to the streets, the battle continued unabated elsewhere in the city.

  7. The euphoria of the Liberation. On 4 September 1994, the people of Antwerp spotted their liberators for the first time. A frenzied crowd welcomed the troops of the British Third Royal Tank Regiment, who were the first to enter the city. People hugged and kissed the British soldiers, sharing whatever food and drink they had left with them.

  8. Liberation of Antwerp Quick Reference (September 1944) the World War II retaking of a major Belgian port by Allied forces under British Gen. Bernard Law Montgomery on September 4, 1944, for the purpose of using ...

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