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      • Through one-on-one academic planning and graduate-style advising, Bennington students map a territory for study and practice that goes beyond the bounds of a traditional major. This is your Plan.
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  2. On the 19th July 2017 South Kesteven District Council formally adopted the Long Bennington Neighbourhood Plan. This follows the positive outcome of the referendum held on 29th of June...

  3. 3 days ago · Britain's new government is preparing over 35 bills for the formal start of the parliamentary year on Wednesday and has put economic growth at the heart of its agenda, Prime Minister Keir Starmer ...

    • 1.1 What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
    • Costa Row
    • Sparrow Lane
    • Valley Lane
    • Winters Lane
    • Wheatsheaf Lane
    • 3.5.5 Environment
    • 3.5.6 Community Leisure and Wellbeing
    • 4.1 The Vision Statement
    • 5.1 Sustainable Development and our Neighbourhood Plan
    • 5.3 Neighbourhood Plan Policies
    • 5.3.2 Delivering New Housing to meet the needs of the Community
    • 5.3.3 Urban Design Principles
    • LB2: Design Principles
    • 5.3.4 Employment and Office Development
    • LB3: Protecting and Enabling Employment
    • 5.3.5 Green Spaces
    • LB4: Protection of Green Spaces
    • 5.3.7 Allotments
    • 5.3.8 Community Infrastructure
    • 5.3.9 Transport and Traffic (including A1 Traffic Access)
    • 5.3.10 Improved Access to Footpaths and Public Rights of Way
    • LB7: Access and New Development
    • 6.1 Development Management
    • 6.2 Monitoring and Review
    • 6.3 Projects and Prioritisation
    • *LB9 and LB8 each have one comment missing as not completed on questionnaire
    • Additional Comments

    A Neighbourhood Plan is an opportunity for Long Bennington to create a local blueprint for delivering a sustainable future for the benefit of all who live, work or visit our area. The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that a Neighbourhood Plan gives the community “direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbo...

    Costa Row forms the western boundary of the village, running from the junction with Valley Lane and south out of the village over the A1 Great North Road. Despite the introduction of various modern dwellings, not necessarily in the local vernacular, Costa Row retains much of the traditional feel of the village with working farms and former farm co...

    A small dead end lane one of the smaller lanes that characterized the original character of the village, some older dwellings mixed in with newer smaller infill developments. The lane is a dead end with a path going across fields to the River Witham.

    Only a small section of this road actually lies within the village, at the junction with Main Road is Siena News the village newsagent and prior to that the village butcher. To the right as one leaves the village is Bennington Surgery, a low slung building designed to match in with the village vernacular, set in a large site with an exaggerated ro...

    Small dead end lane, development to the north side of the lane with fields to the south side. A mixture of newer and traditional properties including Amelia Cottage, part brick and part rubble stone. Also includes the only private rental flatted development in the village, on the site of the former surgery.

    A mixture of older cottages and modern dwellings, at the end of the Lane, at the junction with Back Lane and Witham Road, is the village Nature Reserve. Formerly the village playing field, the Reserve inclines down to the banks of the River Witham. The area has been left partly wild to encourage flora and fauna. Consideration has been given to d...

    Long Bennington is situated in countryside that is ideal for arable crops and is therefore intensively farmed, although there are some grazing meadows adjacent to the River Witham with cattle. There is no access land (as defined in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) within the Parish. Access to the countryside is therefore limited to the m...

    Long Bennington has significant amenities in the provision of a Doctor’s Surgery, Village Hall, sports field (with floodlit Multi-use Games Area and new Football pitches supported with a grant from Sport England), pavilion and open spaces(as seen in Figure 3.5). A desire for a Cricket Pitch has been identified. There is little accommodation for vis...

    The vision for Long Bennington is: ‘A Parish where the quality of life and sustainability is steadily improved over the time-frame of the Plan, so Long Bennington becomes a place where, despite changes, our history and heritage are sustained, and where our rural setting, character and natural environment are preserved and enhanced for both reside...

    The policies of the Long Bennington Neighbourhood Plan are set within the context of the NPPF and South Kesteven’s Local Plan. The scope and content of the Plan has been developed in line with the Parish Council’s aspirations and objectives to make Long Bennington a better place to live, work and visit.

    This section of the Neighbourhood Plan includes a set of planning policies that will be applied to all new development within Long Bennington. The community aspirations or intentions of the Parish are also included. The policies are to be read in conjunction with South Kesteven’s Local Plan.

    Taking into account the views of the Parish, the following development criteria are proposed which SKDC should deploy in considering planning applications: Affordable housing is important to our future to enable younger people and low income families to stay in Long Bennington. There is little low cost housing available in the village and preferen...

    The Site Allocations and Policies DPD document states that where a Village Design Statement or Parish Plan has been prepared by the Parish Council and adopted by the District Council, development should be in accordance with the design principles established. There is not currently an adopted Village Design Statement for Long Bennington, but there ...

    New development in Long Bennington should take account of relationships between buildings, landscape and open spaces which are characteristic of the immediate area and surrounding buildings. The following requirements should be considered: The visual impact of the building should respect the local vernacular, particularly in terms of materials ,bl...

    Long Bennington is home to many commuters, travelling as far as Nottingham, Lincoln, Leicester and London. Economic circumstances in the UK are rapidly changing working patterns and practices, and we are now also seeing a growing number of people working from home or from small offices and more flexible workspaces. The worldwide shift to service-...

    Proposals for business development that encourage employment opportunities in the parish will be supported, providing they do not negatively impact on neighbours , in terms of noise, traffic, light and pollution impacts. Such uses include: Office development for knowledge workers; Flexible workspaces and studio development for light commercial and...

    The Long Bennington Neighbourhood Plan supports developments which accord with the South Kesteven Core Strategy, in particular the following elements of both EN1 and the National Planning Policy Framework which seeks to protect the natural environment, the need to conserve, enhance or restore etc and permits new development where it is appropriate ...

    New development should, wherever possible: Maintain existing habitats such as (but not limited to) hedgerows, meadows, grassland, trees and woodland and encourage the planting of new trees and hedgerows; Provide biodiversity gains through the creation of new habitats or other features within developments such as bat and bird boxes; Where new trees ...

    Allotments provide valuable cultivation space for residents who have no access to a private back garden, or to residents who require space additional to their back garden space in which to cultivate fruit, vegetables or flowers. They provide a valuable open space experience for local residents acting as a “lung” in a similar way to parkland. Both c...

    The NPPF provides a clear framework for the promotion, retention and development of local services and community facilities in villages, such as local shops, meeting places, sports venues, cultural buildings, public houses and places of worship. South Kesteven’s Core Strategy also includes policies to protect and enhance existing facilities and res...

    Village residents have become concerned over the amount of heavy goods traffic generated by industrial development at Roseland Business Park on the nearby Normanton Airfield. Roseland have completed the privately funded road, Roseland Way, from the airfield to join the southern end of Main Road allowing northbound traffic from the A1 to gain acces...

    To improve access for people with mobility problems, all stiles on selected footpaths should be replaced with self-closing and self-latching gates and the footpaths paved to provide access and a firm surface for all, including users of wheelchairs, push-chairs and prams. The selected footpaths are the path from Lilley Street across the Water Meadow...

    New development for ‘appropriate uses’ will be supported where it seeks to maintain or improve access to the countryside, and where it is in accordance with the other policies of the plan. In particular, the following improvements will be actively sought through the use of planning condition, s.106 agreement where appropriate and feasible, or throu...

    Development Management is the principal tool through which South Kesteven will implement the Long Bennington Neighbourhood Plan, enabling it to reshape the area according to the plan’s policies and principles. Alongside this document, development management decisions will be made in line with South Kesteven’s Core Strategy, Site Allocation and Deve...

    South Kesteven has a statutory requirement to prepare a Monitoring Report on the progress of local planning policy documents, the extent to which policies within these documents are being implemented and their effectiveness. Monitoring is needed to establish what is happening now and what may happen in the future. By monitoring and studying trends ...

    The Plan sets out a number of projects and initiatives that the Parish have identified as being a priority for them to ensure delivery and implementation of the Plan. It is important to note that these are not ‘land-use’ planning issues, rather they are the community’s aspiration to deliver these and are considered as being very important to the Pa...

    South Kesteven District Council – largely detailed comments, which have been incorporated within this document. Upper Withan Internal Drainage Board – stressed inability of water courses to accept increase in rates of discharge. No new development should take place on the flood plain. Emphasised need for appropriate consents to be obtained independ...

    South Kesteven District Council – largely detailed comments, which have been incorporated within this document. Upper Withan Internal Drainage Board – stressed inability of water courses to accept increase in rates of discharge. No new development should take place on the flood plain. Emphasised need for appropriate consents to be obtained independ...

  4. The Battle of Bennington was the precursor to the defeat of Burgoyne’s army two months later at Saratoga, turning the tide of war in favor of the Americans.

  5. The Plan process, strategically the framework and essentially the soul of a Bennington education, can be seen as a kind of theoretical map drawn by every student with the aim of reaching an identified curricular destination.

  6. May 28, 2024 · The Battle of Bennington was fought during the American Revolution on August 16, 1777, between American militiamen defending colonial military stores in Bennington, Vermont, and a British raiding party.

  7. Jul 31, 2020 · When news reached the patriots that a 600-man raiding party from Burgoyne’s army on the Hudson was on the march towards Bennington, an alarm went out to western Massachusetts and all of Vermont to send militia to Bennington minute-man style to join the new Hampshire troops.

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