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  2. May 9, 2019 · The seven major chakras have individual functions and purposes. However, the chakra system works best when all the chakras function in concert. In drawings and paintings of chakras, the symbols are usually depicted as wheels or lotus flowers. Each chakra will appear separate from one another.

  3. Apr 29, 2022 · The Sanskrit name Sahasrara translates to “thousand-petaled,” so the crown chakra symbol contains numerous petals to represent this. The circle in this symbol represents the full moon and completion of a cycle, symbolizing opening and awakening.

  4. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names. Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra.

    • Muladhara or Root Chakra. Key Words: Foundation, Safety, Security, Stability, Survival, Grounded, Balance. Location: Base of Spine/Pelvic Floor. Element: Earth.
    • Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra. Key Words: Motivating, Optimistic, Affectionate, Creativity, Movement, Sensuality, Pleasure. Location: Lower Abdomen/Pelvis.
    • Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra. Key Words: Instinct, Originality, Will, Power, Confidence, Self-Worth, Courage. Location: Stomach/Just Above Naval. Element: Fire.
    • Anahata or Heart Chakra. Key Words: Love, Healing, Compassion, Connection, Harmony, Prosperity, Relationships. Location: Heart. Element: Air. Color: Green. Symbol: 12 Petalled Lotus.
  5. चक्र - C̣akra. The Meaning of Chakra. Literally means “wheel”. Refers to centers of energy in the astral spine. A chakra is a disc-like, rotating energy vortex through which energy is pumped out into the related organs of the body.

  6. The Sanskrit term for the Root Chakra is Muladhara, which combines the syllables Mula (=Root) and adhara (=base, foundation). The Root Chakra is our foundation, the stable and solid ground all human evolution rests upon.

  7. The chakra symbols are a type of sacred depiction of these different energy centers that combine imagery, geometric shapes, Sanskrit letters, sacred sounds, colors and symbolic animals which reverberate with each chakra’s energy.

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