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  1. The University Libraries supports open access, open archives, and open repositories as methods for publishing and researching that encourage the widest possible access to scholarly content. There are two main ways that scholarly works can become openly accessible.

    • Introduction
    • Policy
    • Definitions
    • Related Requirements
    • Contact Information


    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University”) has a strong interest in the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of University information and systems. Access controls protect University information by only allowing authorized people to access systems. Following this policy minimizes risk to the University resulting from unauthorized use of resources. Access control at the University happens through procedures and standards that follow this policy. The University has a...


    People and units at the University responsible for managing IT systems or University Data must follow this Policy.

    Policy Statement

    Access controls for University information systems must balance making it difficult for unauthorized people to access our systems and easy for authorized people to use these systems. Procedures supporting this Policy should consider both business and security needs for all ways of access to each program or system. Access control sits beside other University Policies and IT Standards (see references below). This Policy is supporting rather than taking the place of any related University Polici...

    Access Audit and Review

    Keep records of who users are and how they are allowed access to systems following the University’s current Records Retention Schedule and any other requirements that apply. Consider the business need for logs when deciding how long to keep them. Make audit processes focus on how sensitive the data is. Look for ways to spot suspicious data-access activities. Investigate bad situations with important data. Respond to weaknesses you find. Consider the overall approach to security of system access.


    Exceptions to this Policy may be made by the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (CIO) or their delegate(s) in writing. Exceptions may also be in the Standard for Information Technology Access Control or other related supporting Standards or Procedures.

    Access: Ability and means to communicate or interact with a system, to use system resources to handle information, to gain knowledge of the information the system contains, or to control system components and functions. Access Controls:Access controls determine who is allowed to have an account on UNC-Chapel Hill's IT systems, what they are allowed...

    External Regulations and Consequences

    Failure to comply with this policy may put University information assets at risk and may have disciplinary consequences for employees, up to and including termination of employment. Students who fail to adhere to this policy may be referred to the UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Student Conduct. Contractors, vendors, and others who fail to adhere to this policy may face termination of their business relationships with UNC-Chapel Hill. Violation of this policy may also carry the risk of civil or cri...

    University Standards and Procedures

    1. Access Control Standard 2. Acceptable Use Policy 3. Information Security Policy 4. Information Classification Standard 5. Information Security Controls Standard 6. Information Security Liaison Policy 7. University Data Governance Policy 8. Enterprise Data Governance Standard 9. Onyen Policy 10. Password Standard 11. Transmission of Sensitive Information Standard 12. Standard for the Transmission of Protected Health Information and Sensitive Information 13. Information Technology Access Pol...

    Policy Contact

    Unit:ITS Policy Office Phone:919-962-HELP Report a Violation:919-962-HELP

  2. Dec 12, 2021 · The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Open Access Policy. Introduction. Purpose. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill adopts this policy in order to disseminate the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. Scope of Applicability. Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Policy Statement.

  3. The school educates innovative and responsible thinkers who will lead the information professions; discover principles and impacts of information; create systems, techniques and policies to advance information processes and services; and advance information creation, access, use, management and stewardship to improve the quality of life for ...

  4. Aug 12, 2024 · Open Access is the free, online availability of scholarly content that is free from most copyright and licensing restrictions. To ensure the widest possible access to scholarly content, scholars can contribute to open access literature in several ways:

    • Mls Sarah Towner Wright
    • 2015
  5. The Enterprise Data Coordinating Committee created this site to make resources available to members of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill community seeking to create, use, access, protect, or understand the University data.

  6. Aug 12, 2024 · The University Libraries and SAGE Publishing have expanded opportunities for researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to publish open access articles in SAGE journals at no cost to the researcher.