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  1. › wiki › Doctor_DoomDoctor Doom - Wikipedia

    Doom (Victor von Doom) is a Marvel Comics anti-hero featured in the Marvel 2099 comic book Doom 2099. The character is based on Doctor Doom, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The comic was written by John Francis Moore for its first two years and by Warren Ellis for its third.

  2. Nov 24, 2020 · Christopher Cantwell has been writing Doctor Doom for eight issues, and with the penultimate issue of his title about to arrive on November 25, Cantwell has dug deep behind Doom's psyche to get...

    • George Marston
    • Overview
    • History This is an abridged version of Victor von Doom's history. For a complete history see Victor von Doom's Expanded History Early Years
    • Attributes
    • Paraphernalia
    • Notes
    • Trivia
    • See Also
    • Links and References

    "King of Space." "Master of the Sun." You claim such vast domains. Is it to balance your small souls? Could I not lay claim to the light and the void, if I wished it? Have I not earned such titles? I, who have mastered all arts, all sciences, all secrets? Whose technology and magic cross the stars as easily as they scramble an alpha telepath's mind? Who would dare to say I have not earned the right? Yet I am king of a simple nation. On a simple planet. A beloved garden tended by iron hands. And the only title I have ever doctor. 

    —Doctor Doom

    Early Years

    Victor von Doom was born in a Romani camp outside Haasenstadt, Latveria. His mother, Cynthia, was killed in a bargain with Mephisto that went wrong. Despite his father's attempts to care for her, a noblewoman died and Werner von Doom fled with a young Victor on a cold winter's night. Victor survived the cold, but unfortunately his father did not. Doom sought to increase his knowledge of both science and magic in order to rescue his mother, whose death he blamed on Mephisto. In his youth, Victor fell in love with a woman named Valeria, but she resisted his advances.

    Becoming Doctor Doom

    The State University in Hegeman, New York offered Victor a scholarship. While attending classes there, he met Reed Richards and Ben Grimm for the first time. They developed a dislike for each other, leading to Reed Richards commiting the first prank he had ever pulled, changing Victor's last name on a trophy to "Doof." Richards and Doom were intellectual peers. The two debated esoteric theories day and night that amazed faculty members, who compared their brilliance to that of Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. While Richards designed his starship, Doom became obsessed with developing a machine that could project the astral form of a being into other dimensions, seeing it as a way to free his mother's soul from Mephisto's clutches. Reed pointed out a flaw in Doom's calculations, but Doom arrogantly ignored his warnings, feeling Reed was trying to upstage him, likely due to their dislike for each other. The machine exploded, scarring Doom's face. He was soon expelled for conducting unethical experiments. From then on, he blamed Reed Richards for the destruction of his face as well as his expulsion. Disgraced and bitter, Doom traveled the world. Eventually he came upon a small Tibetan village of monks who assisted him in creating a suit of armor. He returned to his homeland of Latveria to overthrow the leader and declare himself king. He then began to use his country's resources in order to further his plans of world domination. These schemes led Doom into conflict with the Fantastic Four on many occasions, as well as many other super heroes.

    The Fantastic Four

    Doom first confronted the Fantastic Four by holding Sue Storm hostage. Doom forced the other members of the team to travel back in time using his time platform to retrieve the mystical Stones of Merlin. Later, he duped Namor into teaming up with him to destroy the team. During the team-up, he was shrunk to sub-atomic size, and ended up in the world of Sub-Atomica, where he quickly took control using his scientific knowledge and began plaguing the Fantastic Four with shrink rays. He was again defeated by the Fantastic Four with the aid of Ant-Man. His next attempt at defeating the Fantastic Four involved using the Terrible Trio, a group of thugs who had been given powers by Doom. This venture ended with him being transported into outer space by a solar wave. He was later found floating in space by Rama-Tut, who revealed to Doom that he was one of his ancestors. Believing that they might in fact be the same person, they decided that Rama-Tut would return to the future after sending Doom back to Earth. Back on Earth, Doom again clashed with the Fantastic Four. This time, they defeated him by hypnotizing him into believing he had destroyed the group. The hypnotic spell was eventually broken by a Latverian stage magician who had come to Doom's castle to entertain him. Doom, realizing he had been tricked, was furious and traveled to America to take his revenge on the Fantastic Four, who incidentally had lost their powers. Despite the Four having no powers, Doom was again defeated, this time with the aid of Daredevil. His next attack came when he manipulated an army of the world's super villains to attack the wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Storm. When Doom battled and defeated the Silver Surfer, he stole the Surfer's powers and surfboard, becoming one of the most powerful beings on Earth. With these new-found powers, he was able to finally defeat the Fantastic Four. He then began running amok causing havoc all over the world. After another confrontation with the Fantastic Four, Doom was tricked into flying into the barrier Galactus set up around the Earth, and the Surfer's powers and surfboard returned to their rightful owner.


    Magic: Doctor Doom was introduced to the mystic arts by his mother (who was of Romani and Latverian blood). He further developed his abilities by traveling through time and learning lost Dark Arts from individuals such as Morgan Le Fey.[147] After Dr. Strange stepped down as the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, Doom was amongst the candidates considered suitable to replace him.[148] However the majority of his powers came from the Haazareth Three,[149] and upon angering them most of his sorcery was removed and he was trapped in Hell as punishment. While they enhanced his powers he could achieve the following: •Mystical Blasts: Doom's mystical expertise was only the minor magics of the Earth. •Mystical Force-Fields •Invoke Entities •Spell Casting •Spell Reversing •Summoning: Doom could summon hordes of demonic creatures. •Teleportation •Dimensional Travel: Doom could travel to other dimensions, including accessing the dreamtime. •Mystical Ensnaring •Mystical Portals •Healing: Doom is able to heal himself and others from injuries. •Banishment •Time-travel •Power Absorption •Elemental Manipulation: Doom could create a blizzard within seconds. •Telekinesis: After being sent to the dawn of time by Marquis of Death, Victor claimed that he spent a millennium transforming his body and mind, mastering long lost dark arts. This resulted in him to being able to use notable telekinesis as well as levitate himself.[150] •Power Nullification: Doom has repeatedly blocked the Fantastic Four's powers via sorcery. Psionics: Throughout his history, Doom has mastered some minor psychic abilities. Those skills originate from his encounter with aliens and mutants, naming the Ovoids and the Marquis of Death. Doom once claimed that he had evolved as a being,[150] though it is not clarified how or to what extent and in later issues this seems to have been ignored by writers. The following powers however are usually considered to be a part of Doom's skillset. Finally, those skills are the result of personal mental development and are not to be confused with magic.[151] •Mind Transference: By training with an alien race, Doom has gained the ability to switch his mind with that of another nearby human being with whom he has made eye contact, a process which he learned from the alien Ovoids. Doom once changed his body with Human Torch. However, Doom prefers his own body and only uses this transference power as a last resort.[152] •Hypnotism: Doom is able to hypnotize individuals, as he did with a kraken on Counter Earth.[153] •Technopathy: Doom can exert technopathic control over certain machines, most notably the Doombots,[154] but can control other technologies too, as he did with his suit's charger, describing his ability as latent telepathy.[155]


    Super-Genius Intelligence: Doctor Doom's most dangerous weapon is his intellect. He is one of the top mortal minds on the planet. He even cured Ben Grimm of his Thing form.[164] Doctor Doom's Time Platform is one of numerous inventions; others include devices that can imbue people with powers,[165] and many types of robots. He often uses "Doombots", exact mechanical replicas of himself. They look like him, talk like him, and even act like him. Individually, Doombots have an advanced AI (artificial intelligence) so that each one believes itself to be the real Doom. As a safety measure, each Doombot has a dampener program that is triggered whenever the real Doom (or another Doombot) is nearby. These "body doubles" appear when Doom cannot be present or is unwilling to risk his own life, and are often responsible for Doom's seeming return from certain death.[166] Another common type of robot used is the Servo-Guard, the police force of Latveria.[167] Doom specializes in all levels of physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, materials science, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He also has natural talents for leadership, strategy, politics, and manipulation. He was taught under leading roboticist Dr. Cronos. He has been shown as a prodigious electrical and mechanical engineer, admired by Tony Stark, an inspired theoretician with extensive knowledge of parallel universes and dimensions,[citation needed] and even a practiced neurosurgeon, having surgically separated Hulk from Bruce Banner.[168] His knowledge extents to virtually any scientific field and his mind is said to work as fast as a sophisticated computer.[169] Doom's knowledge of magic enhances his scientific brilliance; the time platform is a result of combining the two skills.[170] Doom’s consciousness was vast and powerful enough to download a planet’s worth of data.[171] Master Martial Artist: During his time in Tibet, Doom was presumably trained in martial arts by the monks.[172] He is vastly skilled in many combat techniques, both armed and unarmed. He has been trained by the best sword masters on Earth[173] and can achieve very powerful nerve strikes.[174] His combat skills are so great that he managed to kill a lion with his bare hands,[174] to be indistinguishable to Daredevil while in his suit, and to wield Captain America's shield as skillfully as Steve Rogers himself.[175] He was also able to defeat Black Panther in close combat even when his suit was depowered[176] and incapacitate Taskmaster on pure hand to hand, without the aid of technology or magic.[128] Peak Human Conditioning: Doom has trained his body to the level of the finest human athlete. He is well-built, fast and agile. He has also displayed great reflexes and equilibrium. Victor once claimed that he was training and building himself physically for years, so as to be ready to face the demonic beings called from Mephisto during their annual confrontation.[177] His physical strength and durability match even those of Daredevil.[178] Indomitable Will: Doom has phenomenal determination, fearlessness, and strength of will. Indeed, he has the strongest will on Earth. Hence, he was able to resist psychic attacks from Emma Frost and the mind control of the Purple Man using only his will, to reject the mystical armor that the Soulsword provides the wielder on sheer willpower alone and while he was tortured in Hell, he refused to let a single audible indication of pain exit his mouth. Doom's willpower could be considered even godly as, after having stolen the Beyonders' omnipotent abilities for himself, he was capable of creating an entire new planet from the remnants of incursion points between collapsing worlds, that new planet was Battleworld. He held this world together with his will.[104] Highly Influential Connections: As Monarch of Latveria, Doctor Doom has access to technological and military hardware. He also has command of conventional military forces; see Doctor Doom's Generals. Charismatic leader: Doom is able to attract people's positive attraction, especially on the citizens of Latveria, even when his plans are failing. He is also a skilled politician and strategist and has occasionally been the leader of numerous teams, including the Cabal and the Fantastic Four. Diplomatic Immunity: As the leader of a sovereign nation, Doctor Doom often visits the United States or the United Nations for political reasons. He enjoys diplomatic immunity during these trips, and his embassy is considered foreign soil. He has even been escorted by Captain America himself. After renouncing his status as ruler of Latveria,[111] it is likely he lost this status. After reconquering Latveria,[121] it's likely he regained it. Artist: Doom has shown himself to be a talented artist. He painted a duplicate of the Mona Lisa while using Layla Miller as his model.[179] Pianist: Doom has shown himself to be a talented pianist. He has played various compositions of his own creation.[180] Master Swordsman: Doom has been shown being proficient in sword combat, having been trained by the best teachers - until he overcame them all - and being able to out-duel Warlord Krang in swordsmanship.[173] Weapon systems and vehicles proficiency: Victor is highly proficient in the use of weapons, mostly those of his own creation, such as battle suits, ray weapons and bombs, but he also utilizes rifles, guns and grenades with great aiming ability. He has also been shown as a capable driver of vehicles such as the Excavator and the Gyroscopic Aircraft Multilingual: Besides English, he speaks all languages spoken in Latveria, those being Latverian, German, Hungarian, and Romany and possibly several others. Master Chef: Doom is an expert cook. He described his potatoes dauphinoise as "the stuff of legends".[181]


    Ego: It has been shown in the past that Doom can be manipulated by pandering to his sense of superiority, especially over Reed Richards. Spider-Man was able to gain his assistance concerning unknown technology by saying Reed could not figure it out. This ego is also the main reason for his vendetta against Reed, as he cannot accept that Reed understood his equations better than he did. Former Weaknesses Deal with Mephisto: Doom made a deal with the demon Mephisto; he was allowed to summon and challenge Mephisto once a year and try to win back the soul of his deceased mother, but each time he fails the people of Latveria will grow to despise him more and more.[177] He later "rescued" his mother's soul and she left Mephisto's afterlife to a better one.


    Titanium Armor: Dr. Doom's original armor is a nuclear-powered, computer-assisted battle suit. It was magically forged at a monastery in Tibet, but since then has been repaired by normal (technological) means. •Enhanced Strength: The armor gives Dr. Doom the ability to lift (press) several tons. He has held his own against Spider-Man[182] and Hulk[183] in hand to hand combat. The armor also grants him such strength he can pulverize a diamond with no effort.[184] •Enhanced Durability: The armor is fashioned of a high-strength titanium alloy enchanted with magic and has been shown durable enough to take a blast from the Infinity Gauntlet to point-black range, with little to no harm.[185] The armor managed to withstand a massive explosion of energy at ground zero , from the Marquis of Death - which destroyed the entire capital of Latvia and the rest of the country.[186] •Video Communicator: Built into the right wrist is a video communicator, which he can use to stay in contact with his bases from any point on Earth. •Electric Shock: The outer surface of the armor can generate a massive electric shock on command. •Electrical Field:[187] Also known as Electrical Force Field,[188] the Electro-Magnetic Amplifier[189] and Neural Disruptor,[190] this mechanism allows Doom to generate a point-blank electric shock causing enormous damage to anyone daring enough to touch Doom - for example, someone in melee with him. It also affects, to a lesser extent, nearby people not in direct contact with Doom's armor. Anyone affected is susceptible to falling unconscious.[187] Doom used this device to kill his clone[189] and also to knock down Elvin Haliday[191] and even Colossus, who had resisted previous attacks.[190] It was however not enough to stun The Thing in the later's mutated, "spiky" state.[192] •Magnetic Polarity Controllers: Besides manipulating metal, this device allows Doom to redirect Magneto's power against him.[193] •Teleportation device: Doom's armor is able to teleport him across a short-range of distances[194] •Link to Doom's Time-Platform: An invention Doom can use to travel through time[195] •Flight: Dr. Doom's suits of armor are upgraded to give him the power of flight without the use of jet-packs. •Jet-Packs: The typical suit of armor has twin jet-packs mounted at the waist, though other suits (or modifications of the original suit) contain a single jet-pack mounted on the back. •Concussive Blasts: Concussive bolts of force can be fired from the gauntlets, fingertips, palms and faceplate of the armor, though the mask only generates force blasts when it is not being worn. •Force-Field: The suit's best defense is the force-field generated by the armor, which has a maximum radius of eight feet (and so can encompass others); Doom cannot attack without lowering his force-field. •Infrared Vision: Infrared scanners in the helmet allow the wearer to detect heat sources, permitting night vision and the ability to see invisible persons (unless they do not give off or can somehow mask their heat signature). •Recycling System: The armor is self-supporting, equipped with internal stores and recycling systems for air, food, water, and energy, allowing the wearer to survive lengthy periods of exposure underwater or in outer space. •Sensor Systems: Optical scanners in the helmet allow the helmet's eyepieces to be used as high-powered telescopes, and parabolic ear amplifiers fitted inside the helmet allow Doom to detect extremely faint sounds and unusual frequencies within the audible range for humans. •Vacuum Resistance Doom's armor allows him to survive in space, underwater or at toxic environments. •Solar Energy Absorption: A thermo-energizer allows the armor to absorb and store solar and heat energy, and use it to power the armor's other systems; this system can only be used while the force-field is deactivated. •Thermal Units: This device hidden on Doom's gloves allowed him to spray a cloud of yellow mist with special properties to nullify invisibility powers of a character in an area. Once this enemy was located, Doom could easily change to a different attack.[189] •Personal Adapters: Using this device Doom can absorb multiple forms of energy. •Special protection against other machines: Doom's armor is impervious to some of his other devices, such as the Disintegrator.[182] His suit was also unhackable by the Extremis •Splinters of the True Cross: Doom has claimed that his armor contains splinters of the True Cross, along with other such defenses (presumably to protect him from undead enemies, i.e. Dracula)[196] Considering Doom's capabilities to time travel, there is possibility of this being true. •Optional Systems: The following devices could be added to Doom's armor at his whim, but Doom himself only carried them if he felt he would need those:[187] •Energy Fist[187] •Fingertip Darts[187] •Image Projector[187] •Inhibitor Ray[187][197] •Instant Hypnotism Impulser[187] •Intensified Molecule Projector[187] •Ionic Blade[187] •Knuckle Rockets[198] •Mini-Missile Launcher[187] •Nerve Impulse Scrambler[187] •Neuro-Space Field[187] •Sleeping Gas[199] •Refrigeration Unit[187] •Sonic Drill[187] •Stun-Shocker[187] As a genius-level inventor and monarch of a sovereign nation, Doom can attain many other pieces of equipment as needed. Former Equipment •Iron Man Armor: A suit of armor seemingly stolen by Doom from one of Tony Stark's labs, potentially the Iron Man Armor Model 51 retrofitted to suit Doom's style. This armor has been used by Doom in combination with his magical abilities, and it grants him the following abilities: •Flight •Cloaking[200] •Repulsor Blasts: A concussive blast of energy.[200] •Enhanced Strength[110] •Enhanced Durability[110] •Magnetic Manipulation[111] •Doctor Doom possesses two different Infinity Gauntlets from two alternate realities, but due to that, they don't work the same way in his home reality. •Silver Surfer's Surfboard •Mystical Armor: Doom used mystic armor obtained through a bargain with the Hazareth Three. The exact specifications of this armor are unknown and it was apparently lost when the Hazareth Three withdrew their support and empowerment of Doom. •Destroyer Armor Replica: A replica of the enchanted Destroyer armor of the Asgardians Doom created after experimenting on the Asgardians. Powered by the life force of the Asgardians Doom experimented on, the armor was physically manned by Doom himself and provided him with enough power to go toe-to-toe with Thor. However, Thor eventually managed to destroy the armor with Mjolnir. •Magnetic Grabber •Sleeping Gas Pistol •Sub-Miniature Transistor-Powered Atomic Blast Gun •Reducing Ray •Idento-Disc - These tissue-thin plastic discs allow Doctor Doom to track what ever they are attached to.[164] •Lighter-than-Air Robots[164] •Holographic Image Projector - Doctor Doom developed device that allows him to project holographic images of himself, complete with sound.[164] •Ultra-Heat Beam Pistol[164]


    Doom is sometimes shown carrying a sword in his belt. Former Weapons •Doom often carried a "broomhandle" Mauser pistol, which he used to dispatch targets "unworthy" of his other means of attack. •The Tactigon[201]


    •Time Platform Former Transportation •Flying Fortress •Aerosub •Silver Surfer's surfboard.

    •In Latveria, Doom has his own holiday - Doom's Day, which is an enormous celebration.

    •One of Doctor Doom's traits that often makes him stand out is his tendency to refer to himself in third person.[202]

    •Because of his status as ruler of Latveria, Doom typically has diplomatic immunity. This is perhaps his greatest asset, as any attempt to kill him would be a breach of international law - It has been used to prevent his death at the hands of the Fantastic Four, and resulted in Captain America acting as Doom's escort/bodyguard whilst he was making a diplomatic visit to America.[203]

    •Doom has learned magic from several powerful individuals, including Doctor Strange and Morgan Le Fay. Doom has also taken apprentices of his own, such as Layla Miller.

    •In one retcon, the scar that Doom originally received from the explosion of his arcane device was, while large, not horribly disfiguring. In his eagerness to assume his masked persona, he donned the faceplate of his first suit of armor while the metal was still smoking from the forge. The burns he suffered from this act were thought to have made him truly hideous. However, this was later itself retconned in the series Books of Doom.

    •The original story of his scar was that the explosion of his demonic portal actually did cause a hideous disfiguring scar, and to suit his own hubris, he donned the infamous mask.

    •After the Secret Wars, the Beyonder appeared in Fantastic Four #288, where he explained that he had pulled Doom from a different time. He then rectified the situation by reordering Doom's appearances to fit the time-stream.

    •Doom is allegedly a user of the FaceSpace social network, and friend to Nuwa.[204]

    •Doctor Doom made a cameo appearance in the pages of DC's JLA #1. In the scene, Doom and Wolverine are executed by a super villain team known as the Hyperclan. The scene was written by Grant Morrison.

    •In Captain Britain and MI13 #10, Doom states he has studied under one of Dracula's greatest enemies, suggesting that Doom has traveled back in time to study under Abraham van Helsing. He has also shown that he did not recognize Dracula's title of Count.

    •909 appearance(s) of Victor von Doom (Earth-616)

    •24 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Victor von Doom (Earth-616)

    •253 minor appearance(s) of Victor von Doom (Earth-616)

    •721 mention(s) of Victor von Doom (Earth-616)

    •28 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Victor von Doom (Earth-616)

    •3 invocation(s) of Victor von Doom (Earth-616)

  3. Jul 29, 2024 · Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1962 early in their legendary run on Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom was intended to be the team’s ultimate nemesis. He first appeared in Fantastic Four #5 ...

  4. Sep 8, 2023 · What do you know about the infamous ruler of Latveria? Read on to find out everything you’ve ever wondered about Doctor Doom!

  5. Jul 29, 2024 · Doom's versatility lies in his blend of science and magic, rivaling Doctor Strange's abilities. Following the shock announcement that Robert Downey Jr. will play the MCU ’s Doctor Doom, there are some essential aspects of Doom’s character which should be considered before Avengers: Doomsday.

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