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Star vs. the Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni is a two-hour television movie for Star vs. the Forces of Evil. It premiered on July 15, 2017 and was made available to verified users on the Disney XD app and Disney XD VOD platforms. The movie consists of the first seven episodes of season 3...
"The Battle for Mewni" is a two-hour television movie of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. It premiered on July 15, 2017, and serves as the first four episodes of season three combined into one. The TV movie follows Star as she returns to her home dimension of Mewni where she discovers that magic is...
374K subscribers in the StarVStheForcesofEvil community. Welcome to the Star VS the Forces of Evil subreddit. The show ended in May 2019, but that…
Ep1 - "Return to Mewni; Moon the Undaunted" – Return to Mewni: deals with Star's return to Mewni and the preparation to defend Mewni. Also, Marco's reaction to Star leaving and dealing with Jackie. Moon the Undaunted: Moon is undaunted by her failure to talk to an alligator.
Mewni is an alternate dimension, the birthplace of Star Butterfly and the home dimension/realm of the Mewmans, ruled by the Butterfly family. It is a medieval land divided into several kingdoms ruled by kings and queens of various species.
88 votes, 98 comments. what: Battle For Mewni is a two hour movie event that serves as the intro/premiere of the third season. technically, it is the…
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Catch the must-see movie event, The Battle For Mewni, Saturday, July 15 anywhere you watch Disney XD!Click the SUBSCRIBE button to get notifications when new...
- 1 min
- 290.3K
- Disney XD