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  1. Capricorn · December 22 - January 19

    • Today's horoscope for Capricorn

      Inspiration strikes again, though you might not be ready for it this time. It's a good day for you to brainstorm and think long term because you're better able to dream up new plans and schemes.

    • This week's horoscope for Capricorn

      This week, you are attracting what you need. The week begins on Sunday, September 1, with Uranus turning retrograde in Taurus. Uranus will be retrograde until January 30, 2025. Also, Pluto backs into Capricorn, where it will remain until November 19. Capricorn, a professional or financial risk you passed up before is now available again. ...

    • This month's horoscope for Capricorn

      Forging A New Path  This is a philosophical time for you, Capricorn, with the sun spending most of its time in your 9th house of philosophy, higher learning, spirituality and long distance travel. You're expanding your horizons so that you can move forward in the world. You’re on the dawn of a new era since Pluto retrogrades back into you...
