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  2. Jul 30, 2023 · The British Championship, a 9-round Swiss event, brought together 64 players and saw the triumph of GM Michael Adams, who confirmed his status as a pre-tournament favourite. The top seed scored an impressive 7.5/9 and clinched the title in a very convincing fashion.

  3. See the current results and standings of the British Championship games, updated live.

  4. Dec 12, 2023 · GM Michael Adams said it was probably his best-ever result to win the London Chess Classic 2023 at the age of 52. He clinched the title with a draw against the future of English chess, 14-year-old IM Shreyas Royal, who described himself as ‘really happy and really excited’ to make a second grandmaster norm.

  5. Apr 14, 2024 · Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links (daily 100.000 sites and more) by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 5 days (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button: British Chess Championships 2023: Major Open.

  6. Jun 17, 2024 · British Chess Championships 2023: Championship. Last update 30.07.2023 16:30:06, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation. Search for player Search. Pairings/Results. Round 9 on 2023/07/30 at 1000. is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results.

  7. Apr 21, 2024 · British Chess Championships 2023: AM Under 1600. Last update 29.07.2023 14:39:51, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

  8. Watch every game of the British Chess Championship 2023 updated live, move-by-move.