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  1. Term Dates Calendar News Autumn Term 23/24: 4th-5th Sept Staff INSET 6th Sept Autumn Term begins for U3, Sixth Form and Prep 7th Sept Autumn Term begins for L4, U4, L5 and U5 14th Oct Open Day 18th Oct Half-Term begins at

  2. Results days have been amended with ‘A’ Level results now being published on Tuesday 10 th August and GCSE results being published on Thursday 12 th August. The college has issued significant numbers of IT devices to families to support remote learning during the periods of lockdown.

    • Educational Programmes GCSE Bitesize
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    St Bede's Catholic College continues to be a good school.

    Leaders have created a community where pupils and staff feel valued. Pupils are respectful, friendly and polite. Their behaviour reflects the St Bede’s Way that encourages pupils to work hard, be kind and do the right thing. Pupils cooperate with one another. They accept each others’ differences and are tolerant. Pupils have an appreciation of di...

    Leaders are ambitious for all pupils at St Bede’s. Staff set high expectations for pupils’ work and pupils respond well. Pupils and staff are proud to be members of the school community. Curriculum leaders have strong subject knowledge and there are well-structured plans in many subjects. Sound sequencing of learning helps pupils to carefully bui...

    The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders have created an environment where staff are vigilant. Staff know how to identify concerns and they have confidence in leaders to deal with these. Leaders act in a timely and appropriate way. They carefully triage concerns to make sure the appropriate support is put into place. Leaders work we...

    Leaders acknowledge the key stage 3 curriculum in mathematics needs to be improved. It does not always help pupils to develop a secure knowledge. Leaders need to implement a better sequenced curriculum that prepares pupils well for their next steps. A minority of pupils follow EBacc subjects so leaders have set a goal for uptake of these subjects. ...

    You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child's school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection. The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a s...

    You can search for published performance information about the school. In the report, 'disadvantaged pupils' refers to those pupils who attract government pupil premium funding: pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years and pupils in care or who left care through adoption or another formal route.

    The school is an average-sized secondary school. It serves the Catholic diocese of Clifton, including parts of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. A small number of students are educated at alternative providers, such as Pathways Learning Centre and Riverside Adolescent Unit, when a specific need arises.

    This was the first routine inspection the school received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with school leaders and have taken that into account in their evaluation. Inspectors met with the principal, senior leaders and SENCo. A remote meeting was held with the chair and vice chair of governors. T...

  3. On 10 September 1877, St Bede's College re-opened in the Manchester Aquarium with 45 pupils who were taught by 11 staff, 8 of them priests. The faculty lived in 'Rose Lawn', until the accommodation levels were completed in the Vaughan Building, for both clergy and a large number of boarders.

  4. Year 10 Mock Exams commence - 10 June 2024. 02 Jul Summer Concert. 03 Jul Year 6 Transition Day. 05 Jul Year 13 Prom. 02 Jul Summer Concert. 03 Jul Year 6 Transition Day. 05 Jul Year 13 Prom. 08 Jul Enrichment Week. 20 Jul Last Day of Term for all students.

  5. Welcome to St Bede’s College St Bede’s College is a Catholic HMC Independent College for boys and girls aged 3-18. We are passionate about providing an education where every pupil is known and valued in a family.

  6. People also ask

  7. Allocation of places at St. Bede's Catholic College for September 2023; ... Download Results 2022 (2021, 2020, 2019).docx. In This Section. 2023; 2022 (2021-2020-2019)