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  2. Apr 29, 2022 · Unveil the profound meanings behind chakra symbols in this guide, exploring their spiritual significance, geometric shapes, and associations with colors and elements. The solar plexus chakra symbol, a 10-petalled lotus with an inverted triangle, represents personal power and the fire within.

    • Muladhara or Root Chakra. Key Words: Foundation, Safety, Security, Stability, Survival, Grounded, Balance. Location: Base of Spine/Pelvic Floor. Element: Earth.
    • Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra. Key Words: Motivating, Optimistic, Affectionate, Creativity, Movement, Sensuality, Pleasure. Location: Lower Abdomen/Pelvis.
    • Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra. Key Words: Instinct, Originality, Will, Power, Confidence, Self-Worth, Courage. Location: Stomach/Just Above Naval. Element: Fire.
    • Anahata or Heart Chakra. Key Words: Love, Healing, Compassion, Connection, Harmony, Prosperity, Relationships. Location: Heart. Element: Air. Color: Green. Symbol: 12 Petalled Lotus.
    • Root Chakra Symbol Meaning. The root chakra, muladhara chakra, is associated with the element of earth. The earth element represents the body, the physical form.
    • Sacral Chakra Symbol Meaning. The sacral chakra, chakra svadhisthana, is associated with the element of water. The water element represents fluidity, flow, movement and aliveness.
    • Solar Plexus Symbol Meaning. The solar plexus chakra, manipura, is associated with the sun and the element of fire. The fire element represents energy, power and determination.
    • Heart Chakra Symbol Meaning. The heart chakra, anahata, is associated with the element of air. The air element represents the qualities of love, relation, connection and compassion.
    • Root Chakra. Color: Red. Symbol: Four-petaled lotus. Other Symbols: Square and an downward triangle. Represents: Stability, security, and basic needs. The Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra is the first or primary chakra, located at the base of the spine.
    • Sacral Chakra. Color: Orange. Symbol: Six-petaled lotus flower. Other Symbols: Circles and crescent moon shape. Represents: Creativity, sexuality, and emotions.
    • Solar Plexus Chakra. Color: Yellow. Symbol: Ten-petaled lotus flower. Other Symbols: Downward-pointing triangle. Represents: Personal power, self-confidence.
    • Heart Chakra. Color: Green. Symbol: Twelve-petaled lotus flower. Other Symbols: Hexagram. Represents: Love, compassion, and connection. The Heart Chakra or Anahata in the chest serves as the energy center for love, emotional well-being, and human connection.
    • Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra. Symbol: The Root Chakra symbol consists of a 4-petalled lotus flower, a square, and a downward-facing triangle. Each element is said to represent the 4 aspects of the human mind, uniting to form the birth of the human consciousness.
    • Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra. Symbol: The symbol for the Svadhishthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra is made up of multiple circles, a crescent moon, and six lotus flower petals.
    • Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra. Symbol: The Solar Plexus Chakra symbol consists of a downward-pointing triangle within a ten-petalled lotus flower.
    • Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra. Symbol: In the Heart Chakra symbol, two triangles intersect to form a yantra which represents the balance of yin and yang, or upward and downward forces.
  3. Feb 13, 2023 · There are seven chakras, each with a unique meaning about our body, life, breath, mind, intellect, and overall sense of well-being. The seven chakras are: Root. Sacral. Solar plexus. Heart. Throat. Third-Eye. Crown.

  4. The chakra symbols are a type of sacred depiction of these different energy centers that combine imagery, geometric shapes, Sanskrit letters, sacred sounds, colors and symbolic animals which reverberate with each chakra’s energy.

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