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  1. Boleskine House (Scottish Gaelic: Taigh Both Fhleisginn) is a manor on the south-east side of Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is notable for having been the home of author and occultist Aleister Crowley, and Led Zeppelin guitarist and producer Jimmy Page.

    • Overview
    • Background
    • Interactions with the player character
    • Notes
    • Notable quotes
    • Appearances
    • Behind the scenes
    • Bugs

    “Sorry to deny you a moment of primate triumph, but you'll have to go elsewhere to sound your barbaric yawp.”


    Robert House was born on June 25, 2020, and grew up around Las Vegas, Nevada, but was orphaned at the age of two when his parents died in a freak accident involving an autogyro and a lightning strike. Cheated out of his inheritance by his half-brother, Anthony,[Non-game 1] he nevertheless managed to achieve attendance to the Commonwealth Institute of Technology and later went on to found RobCo Industries in 2042, at the age of 22. Under Robert's leadership, it soon became one of the most profitable corporations in the world, owing mostly to the young House's considerable technical genius and business acumen, regarded by his peers with envy and by the tabloids as the nation's most infamously eccentric businessman. House himself claims that at age 30, just eight years after his company's founding, he had amassed a net worth of at least 30 billion dollars. Through his considerable wealth and power, Robert gained controlling interests in a myriad of other businesses, among them REPCONN Aerospace, the Lucky 38 Hotel & Casino on Las Vegas Boulevard, and the H&H Tools Company, the family business that would have been his before being usurped by his half-brother (although the factory on the outskirts of Vegas was still under the elder House's control in 2077). However, along with Robert's fame came a level of scrutiny over elements of his peculiar personality. A scandal emerged when he dated a starlet, but their private time was only ever spent with him scanning her brain and making her dress in different outfits, a story that captured the interest of foreign tabloids like El Periódico de las Aburridas. Another use of House's time while running his company was regularly designing and running mathematical paradigms based on global political and socioeconomic conditions in an effort to predict future events. By 2065, these projections led him to the inexorable conclusion that the world would be engulfed in a nuclear war within fifteen years. His calculations of an inevitable nuclear exchange were later confirmed during a secret meeting with high ranking American corporate executives Barb Howard, Frederick Sinclair, Bud Askins, Julia Masters, and Leon Von Felden, where Howard indicated Vault-Tec was willing to detonate the bombs themselves to ensure their profits. House expressed that he had an issue with the Vaults, positing that people confined in tight quarters for a long time will destroy each other, and wondered whether Vault Dwellers would live longer than anyone who survived on the surface. Armed with his knowledge of the nukes, House devoted the duration of it making preparations to ensure the city of Las Vegas would survive the apocalypse and that he would live to see the world after the war. While the primary goal of his countermeasures was to disable incoming nuclear warheads, House included contingencies for directly destroying any that managed to get through. As for House himself, he took equally drastic steps to pave his way to the world of the future: placing his physical body, itself enhanced, within a life-support device, removing House the mortal man from the world permanently. while his brain was wired directly into his vast information network via an enormous supercomputer.

    The Great War

    Integral to the successful execution of House's plans was the platinum chip, containing a vital OS upgrade for his Securitrons and the laser defense network. The chip was to be delivered in the afternoon of October 23, 2077, but a miscalculation of mere hours by House prevented its arrival in time. 20 hours before the chip's scheduled delivery, the Great War occurred, resulting in the chip being lost in the ruins for the next 200 years. Forced to work with an inferior OS, House endured numerous system crashes yet ultimately was able to protect Las Vegas from most, but not all of the nuclear warheads aimed at the city. The strain on his systems however nearly ruined everything House had worked towards, but he persevered in the end. Even so, still forced to rely on the downgraded software over the course of the coming 200 years, House was in almost constant battle with inefficient systems, frequent crashes, and even a long span of several decades left in a coma, allowing the remains of Vegas to be picked over by the wasteland it sat in. But Mr. House would not fall, instead fated to rise eventually.

    Post-War status

    “Mr. House is the mysterious overlord of the Strip. He controls his small empire from the confines of the Lucky 38 casino, where no other living person has set foot for over two hundred years.”— Loading screen House regained consciousness from his coma in 2138.[Non-game 2] Instead of immediately revealing himself, he opted instead to wait for certain signs and bided his time. Eventually, he entered the world stage once again in 2274, when Securitrons under his command emerged from the Lucky 38. This action was prompted by the detection of New California Republic scouts arriving at Hoover Dam. In order to establish his rule, he enlisted the help of raider tribes living in New Vegas (who renamed themselves as the Three Families: the Chairmen, the Omertas, and the White Glove Society) and rebuilt the city, establishing it as the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas and styling himself as its president, CEO and sole proprietor, just in time to welcome the arrival of the New California Republic Army's advance forces. In exchange for help with Hoover Dam and permission to use the defunct McCarran International Airport as its headquarters, House signed the New Vegas Treaty, ensuring cooperation from NCR and, for a time, protecting the Strip from annexation. By 2281, House's efforts led to the establishment of New Vegas as a major power in the Mojave Wasteland through lucrative treaties and trade deals with the nearby New California Republic, guided by his aims to use the Republic's conflict with Caesar's Legion to further expand his control of the region. In all that time, House continued to reside in the Lucky 38 and control the Securitrons that roam New Vegas as his envoys. At some point after emerging from stasis, House made an offer to the residents of Vault 21, a gamble for ownership of the Vault which he won, followed by stripping it of all useful technology, and had planned to permanently seal the Vault away by filling it with cement. However, House was convinced by Sarah Weintraub to leave the top section of Vault 21 as it used to be while allowing her to convert it into a hotel (all the casino equipment was already there from the vault experiment) to serve visitors to the New Vegas Strip. Even after bringing some of Vegas' luster back to the wasteland, Mr. House's top priority remained re-acquiring the platinum chip from its decades-old resting place. For years before the NCR's arrival, House spent cumulative millions of caps on scavenger teams and prospectors to dig it out of the ruins of Sunnyvale. This massive expenditure ultimately paid off in 2281 when the platinum chip was found after 204 years. Mr. House contracted the delivery of it to the Mojave Express, and to cover up the importance of the package, he arranged for a layered plot involving multiple couriers, most carrying packages with miscellaneous junk items to throw off potential risks, additionally paying mercenary teams to screen the routes to be taken. Yet again, however, the platinum chip's delivery was halted. While being carried by Courier Six to New Vegas, they were intercepted by the Chairmen's leader, Benny around Goodsprings after he was informed of the chip's existence and the route by the modified Securitron Yes Man using a backdoor into House's datastream. Benny intended to leverage the chip as a means to gain control of the Strip and make it an independent power in the wasteland, free of his employer's machinations. Though not initially aware of Benny's involvement, House learned the truth after a Securitron, Victor, he had planted in Goodsprings had reported back to him on the chip's theft. Incensed at the betrayal, as he considered Benny a potential protégé as his right-hand man able to achieve tasks he alone could not, House nevertheless had to mask his knowledge of Benny's duplicity until the time came that he could act on it through a new agent. After learning through Victor that the Courier had survived the ambush and was making their way from Goodsprings to the Strip. Mr. House began planning to invite them into the Lucky 38 in hopes of using their want for revenge on Benny to reclaim the platinum chip at long last.

    Interactions overview Quests

    •The House Always Wins: Mr. House gives the player character the quest, which leads to one of the final quests, All or Nothing. In this case, the player character communicates with House only through the computer terminal in his office. •For the Republic, Part 2, Wild Card: Change in Management, Render Unto Caesar: However, if the player character decides to side with NCR, Caesar or fight for an independent New Vegas, Mr. House has to be killed or disabled. •The Moon Comes Over the Tower: Emily Ortal asks the player character to bug one of House's terminals for important medical information.

    Effects of player's actions

    •Upon his death, the quest The House Has Gone Bust! will simultaneously trigger and fail, and the note A tragedy has befallen all mankind will appear in the player character's inventory. •If the player character takes Mr. House out of his stasis chamber, he will ask them why they have ruined his plans and he will react differently depending on what they tell him. •If told they did it in the name of the NCR, he will belittle them for working for them, declaring them "snakes," and call the Courier a "sad, misguided whore." •If told they are acting on behalf of Caesar, he will be horrified at the prospect of slavery being humanity's future. •If told they did it for Yes Man, he will tell them their "vanity project" is doomed for failure. •If saying it was "just business," he will retort by saying that they should have worked for him if what they wanted was personal gain. •Finally, if the player character says they did it just because they didn't like him, he will call them a fool for letting their feelings about him jeopardize humanity's future.

    Other interactions

    •Mr. House plays a major role in the game. The Courier hears a lot about him while traveling, but upon reaching New Vegas, they are invited via Victor to visit House in Lucky 38. There, he provides vital information about Benny and the platinum chip and allows the Courier and their companions to use Lucky 38's presidential suite as a safehouse. •Mr. House has an interest in the collectible snow globes found in the game, and will pay handsomely for each. The snow globes can be given to Jane in exchange for 2000 caps each. Snowglobes found in Sierra Madre (Dead Money), Big MT (Old World Blues), Zion National Park (Honest Hearts) and the Divide (Lonesome Road) will automatically be removed from the player's inventory and replaced with 2000 caps (with the exception of the Sierra Madre snow globe, which adds 2000 Sierra Madre chips). Once the Courier has sold a snow globe to Jane it is placed on display (on a mantle) in the Lucky 38 presidential suite. However, if the player kills Mr. House, the snow globes will stay in their inventory and Jane will disappear. •The Courier can also attempt to pickpocket Mr. House, but he does not yield any items. •Mr. House counts as an abomination for the Abominable challenge. Because he is considered an abomination, shooting him with the flare gun results in the "The abomination panics and flees!" message, but nothing else happens. •House is one of the characters that the player character must eat in order to earn the Meat of Champions perk.

    •Another portrait of Robert House, similar to the one in the House Resort, is found in House #00 of Higgs Village in the add-on Old World Blues. It was punctured by several knives, most likely by Doctor 0, who has an intense hatred for House.

    •If Mr. House is disintegrated by an energy weapon, the stasis chamber disintegrates with him. The same event occurs when using a plasma weapon.

    •From information contained on the terminals in the H&H Tools factory, it is gleaned that Robert House's half-brother, Anthony, used underhanded means to wrest his inherited share of the family business from him after the death of their father.

    •In one entry, Anthony calls Robert his "bastard half-brother." It is unclear whether he is insinuating Robert was a bastard child (a child born outside of marriage) or if he is simply using the term as a broad insult.

    •Mr. House is given the nickname "Not-At-Home" by the Omertas for his tendency to remain ostensibly neutral in Strip affairs.

    •In the G.E.C.K., there is a version of Mr. House as a human before the war, although he has no mustache and his hair is gray, rather than black as it looks on his computer.

    •"Sorry to deny you a moment of primate triumph, but you'll have to go elsewhere to sound your barbaric yawp."

    Play sound

    Vdialoguem vdialoguemrhous 00120…

    •"You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are."

    Play sound

    Robert House appears in Fallout: New Vegas and the Fallout TV series. He is mentioned in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

    •Mr. House had another female programmed Securitron named Marilyn who is based on the real world Marilyn Monroe, but the character was cut. However, she appears alongside Jane in a card from the deck of cards of the Collector's Edition, as in real life, Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe were contemporaries. The texture file for her "face" is still in the game's files, and there's a reference to her in the G.E.C.K. Also, after meeting Mr. House, Veronica will say she's "surprised he only had the two robot sex slaves."

    •There is a cut compromise with House to convince him to not destroy the Brotherhood of Steel in The House Always Wins V. Joshua Sawyer stated that this route was cut because it made no sense for Mr. House to spare the Brotherhood. He and John Gonzalez discussed the situation, and agreed that it would be in-character for Mr. House to not tolerate the Brotherhood. Additionally, it would be a more difficult and compelling choice for the player to make.[Non-game 3]

    •Mr. House is the King of Diamonds in the deck of Vault playing cards included with the Collector's Edition of Fallout: New Vegas.

    •In casino parlance, "the house" refers generally to the gambler's opponent, the casino itself, as in the idiom "the house always wins."

    •The challenge A Slave Obeys requires the player character to kill Mr. House with the 9 iron or Driver Nephi's golf club. This is a reference to the video game BioShock, where the player beats the antagonist Andrew Ryan to death with a 9 iron while he repeats the words "A man chooses, a slave obeys." Both characters were based in part on Howard Hughes and share other traits.

    •House may have been inspired by a character that appears in season 2, episode 2 of the 1990s British sitcom Goodnight Sweetheart. In this episode, a one-off character with dark hair and a mustache changes his name from Ludo to Robert House.

    •PC Playstation 3 Xbox 360 A Medicine check of 35, gaining XP each time, can be accessed in Mr. House's dialogue repeatably. [verified]

    •PC Activating Mr. House fails to start dialogue, rendering him useless (the mainframe). This might be the result of resetting ally status of Securitrons when they are hostile due to a faction error with Vault 11 robots. To fix this, enter the following commands into the console: setally 1267AB 0001B2A4, resetquest 00147885, setstage 00147885 5, setobjectivedisplayed 00147885 1, prid 001264c5, setdestroyed 0. [verified]

    •Xbox 360 The dialogue ending "at Fortification Hill" may cause a crash once he is finished talking. [verified]

    •Xbox 360 The stasis version of Mr. House will sometimes break, turning invisible. [verified]

    • 25 min
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  7. Jun 24, 2024 · House, the CEO of RobCo, is one of the major villains of Fallout: New Vegas, and according to Variety, will return for more episodes in Season 2.

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