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  1. Jun 23, 2017 · Philter of Love. Potion, uncommon. The next time you see a creature within 10 minutes after drinking this philter, you become charmed by that creature for 1 hour. If the creature is of a species and gender you are normally attracted to, you regard it as your true love while you are charmed.

  2. › magic › spell-lists-and-domainsSpells by Class – d20PFSRD

    • Air Domain. Cloud. Lightning. Wind.
    • Animal Domain. Feather. Fur. Insect.
    • Artifice Domain. Alchemy. Construct. Industry. Toil. Trap.
    • Chaos Domain. Azata. Demodand. Demon. Entropy. Protean. Revelry. Riot. Whimsy.
  3. Philter of Love. Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 315, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 308. Aura strong enchantment; CL 15th. Slot none; Price 3,000 gp; Weight — Description. This potent preparation causes a creature who drinks it to fall madly in love with the first creature he or she perceives after consuming it.

    • Description
    • Powers
    • History
    • Appendix

    The liquid of a philter of love was rose-colored and sparkling with bubbles. It contained a single heart-shaped bubble inside that was easily missed upon casual inspection. To those who could see such things, they emitted a faint transmutation aura.

    Drinkers of a philter of love were susceptible for up to 10 minutes to becoming charmed by the first creature they saw. This condition lasted for between one and three hours. The creature had to be a humanoid, and if the creature seen was of a species and gender to which the drinker was normally attracted, the potion would make the drinker regard t...

    Priests of Sune who had completed an important task in her name were granted a draft of water from Evergold, which made anyone who looked upon them susceptible to the same effects of drinking a philter of love. The draft was poisonousto anyone else who attempted to drink it. Mystics in the Realms learned to concoct non-magical love potions during t...

    External Links

    Disclaimer:The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon. 1. Love Potion article at the Idle Champions Wiki, a wiki for the Idle Championsgame.

  4. If either wearer of a linked true love locket takes the pendant off, has it forcefully removed, is killed, or travels to another plane, both lockets cease to function until re-attuned after 24 hours. Construction. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, borrow skillAPG, status; Cost 3,000 gp.

  5. › magic › spell-lists-and-domainsPaladin – d20PFSRD

    This spell wards a creature from attacks by outsiders with a specific racial subtype, from mental control exerted by creatures of the chosen subtype, and from summoned creatures of that subtype PZO9437

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  7. There are many paths for one to become a cleric in service of Love. Either choose a deity under whom Love is a plausible domain, or roll on the table below for inspiration.

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