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  1. Apr 12, 2017 · Each year in June, the city of Yulin in southern China hosts a dog meat festival, where live dogs and cats are sold specifically for eating and an estimated 10,000 are slaughtered for their...

    • Cameroon. There isn't much written about the reasons and practices of dog eating in Cameroon. According to a report by the Humane Society International, an estimated 30,000 dogs are killed and eaten in the country each year.
    • China. This Asian country is the largest consumer of dog meat in the entire world. According to a 2017 report by the Humane Society International, it is estimated that 10 to 20 million dogs are killed and consumed here each year.
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo. Dog meats used to be consumed only by some tribes from the Kansai province in Congo, while other tribes in other regions consider this as dirty or taboo.
    • Ghana. Many tribes and cultures in this African country eat dog meat, especially in the northern part of Ghana. For some tribes, dog meat is considered a delicacy.
  2. May 15, 2023 · New footage of the trade of dog and cat meat in 2020: In response to the spread of COVID-19 and the controversy over wet markets, the Chinese government removed dogs from the list of animals considered ‘farm animals’ but never explicitly banned the trade and consumption of cat and dog meat.

  3. Rabies—which kills around tens of thousands of people across Asia annually—has been found in dogs traded for human consumption in China, Viet Nam and Indonesia. Facts about the dog meat trade, and the fight to end it.

  4. Jun 5, 2023 · Shocking evidence pet dogs are being killed for China’s meat trade as police and activists rescue 126 dogsmany with collars—from an illegal slaughterhouse. As the infamous so-called dog meat “festival” ends in south China’s city of Yulin, some 1,000 miles away in Shanxi’s...

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  6. Apr 2, 2020 · Most Chinese people don't actually consume dogs and cats and never plan to Shenzhen has become the first Chinese city to ban the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat.

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