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  2. It was considered that all witches and warlocks had made a pact with one of the demons, usually Satan. According to demonology, there is a specific month, day of the week, and hour to call each demon, so the invocation for a pact has to be done at the right time.

  3. Aug 9, 2021 · Those accused of being diabolic witches were thought to have signed a pact with Satan, to worship him, attend Sabbaths, and devise ways to harm humans through maleficia. Witches functioned as an inversion of Christian society, whereby they and their actions…

  4. A witch did not have to confess for there to be evidence of their crime. Entering into a pact with the Devil, and given away their soul, were thought to result in physical changes that would...

  5. By the 1500s, organised Christian religion had decided that witchcraft and magic were evil and that witchcraft involved making a pact with the Devil. In Christian countries like Scotland, the ...

  6. Early History of Witchcraft. The idea that a person made a pact with the devil, either orally or in writing, was a common belief in witchcraft lore of medieval and early modern times.

  7. Witches were often viewed as dangerous sorceresses or sorcerers in a pact with the Devil, capable of causing harm through black magic. A feminist interpretation of the witch trials is that misogynist views of women led to the association of women and malevolent witchcraft.

  8. these experiences took place before they had made a pact with the Devil. What are we to make of these encounters? All three reports describe the Devil, or demon-like creatures, in the shape of a familiar spirit, appearing to potential witches during the night. The confessions of Joan Prentice and Mrs. Evans describe familiar spirits

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