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  1. Tiongkok atau China (Hanzi: 中国; Pinyin: Zhōngguó), dengan nama resmi Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) atau Republik Rakyat Cina (RRC), adalah sebuah negara yang terletak di Asia Timur yang beribu kota di Beijing Negara ini memiliki jumlah penduduk terbanyak di dunia (sekitar 1,4 milyar jiwa) dan luas wilayah 9,69 juta kilometer persegi ...

  2. Indochina. Asia Tenggara Daratan (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Indochina atau Semenanjung Indochina) adalah bagian kontinental Asia Tenggara. Terletak di sebelah timur anak benua India dan di selatan Tiongkok daratan dan berbatasan dengan Samudra Hindia di barat dan Samudra Pasifik di timur.

  3. Kemenangan mereka membuat Indonesia menjadi negara kedua setelah China yang meraih medali emas di semua lima cabang olahraga bulu tangkis di Olimpiade Tokyo 2020. September

  4. Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas dalam bahasa Indonesia, disediakan secara gratis oleh Wikimedia Foundation, sebuah organisasi nirlaba. Selain dalam bahasa Indonesia, Wikipedia tersedia dalam beberapa bahasa lain yang dipertuturkan di Indonesia: Aceh , Bali , Banjar , Banyumasan , Batak Toba , Betawi , Bugis , Gorontalo , Jawa ...

    • History
    • Trade and Investment
    • Culture
    • Tiongkok
    • South China Sea Disputes
    • See Also
    • Bibliography
    • External Links

    The relations between imperial China and ancient Indonesia commenced during the 7th century, possibly earlier. Indonesia was part of the maritime Silk Road connecting China with India and the Arab world. Numerous Chinese ceramics were discovered throughout Indonesia, suggesting ancient trade links between both countries. The National Museum of Indo...

    Trade between China and Indonesia is on the rise, especially after the implementation of ACFTA since early 2010. Indeed, while in 2003 trade between Indonesia and China reached only US$3.8 billion, in 2010 it multiplied almost 10 times and reached US$36.1 billion. China's transformation into the fastest growing country in the 21st century has led t...

    Since ancient times, Indonesian culture began to absorb many aspects of Chinese elements, such as Chinese origin loanwords in Indonesian that mostly are terms of all things Chinese, cuisine, to art and crafts such as Javanese Batik Pesisiran (coastal batik) that demonstrate Chinese images such as Chinese cloud, phoenix, dragon, qilin, to peony flow...

    Tiongkok (中国) is the Indonesian term for China, originating from the Min Nan (the local dialect of Southern Fujian) version of the word Zhongguo (中国), which is the term used to refer to China in Mandarin. The word—in its romanized form (Tiongkok)—was used in Indonesian by the Indonesian government to refer to China up until 1972, but its use ceased...

    Despite Indonesia's position as a non-claimant state in the South China Sea dispute, two countries were inevitably involved in this territorial dispute; as parts of China's unilaterally claimed nine-dash line is intersecting with Indonesia's exclusive economic zone near Natuna islands. Although China has acknowledged Indonesia's sovereignty over Na...

    Mozingo, David (1976), Chinese Policy toward Indonesia, 1949–1967, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, ISBN 978-0-8014-0921-9.
    Purdey, Jemma (2006). Anti-Chinese violence in Indonesia, 1996-1999. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-3057-1.
    Sukma, Rizal (1999), Indonesia and China: The Politics of a Troubled Relationship, London: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-20552-8.
    Zhou, Taomo. (2013), "Ambivalent Alliance: Chinese Policy towards Indonesia, 1960-1965," Cold War International History ProjectWorking Paper No. 67.
  5. Aug 2, 2021 · - China adalah salah satu negara tempat lahirnya peradaban tertua di dunia. Dari temuan arkeologi dan antropologi, wilayahnya diperkirakan telah didiami oleh manusia purba sejak lebih dari satu juta tahun lalu. Sedangkan rezim monarki yang pernah berkuasa di China telah memerintah sejak era Sebelum Masehi.

  6. Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ( WBI) adalah edisi Wikipedia dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sebagaimana situs Wikipedia lainnya di dunia, [1] subdomain Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia mulanya beralamat di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia adalah Wikipedia dengan bahasa Asia dengan pertumbuhan tercepat kelima setelah Wikipedia bahasa Jepang, Cina ...

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