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  1. Mar 29, 2018 · In Zimbabwe Election held regularly but ZANU-PF party always won the election. 2. Since the party won the elections continuously it's leader Mugabe was the president of the country. 3. President Mugabe was popular but he used unfair practice in the elections 4. There have been a lot of human right abuses in Zimbabwe 5. TV and radio is ...

  2. Jun 27, 2020 · The Zimbabwe African National Union was an aggressor association that battled against the white minority government in Rhodesia, shaped as a part of the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). ZANU won the 1980 decisions under the authority of Robert Mugabe, and after seven years converged with Joshua Nkomo's ZAPU to frame ZANU-PF.

  3. Oct 17, 2017 · Zimbabwe is the country which is currently facing the many problems relating to economic as well as the social. There is also a lack of employment through out the country and the number of unemployed people is increasing day by day . This unemployment rate can be decrease just by focusing on few necessary things. But this should be done precisely.

  4. Robert Mogave has be en ruling Zimbabwe since 1980.It can't be called as the democratic rule bcoz. Ever since Zimbabwe attained independence from white minority rule in 1980, it has been ruled by Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (ZANU - PF) led by its leader Robert Mugabe.

  5. Oct 6, 2019 · Wage difference in Zimbabwe is because of many reasons some of the reasons such as the. Region differences, Security and stability of employment, The inter firm differences, The inter industry differences and. The laws of one state in the country pretty much differs from the other states, These does not ensure the transparency of two states ...

  6. May 22, 2017 · The Zimbabwe African National Union was an aggressor association that battled against the white minority government in Rhodesia, shaped as a part of the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). ZANU won the 1980 decisions under the authority of Robert Mugabe, and after seven years converged with Joshua Nkomo's ZAPU to frame ZANU-PF.

  7. Oct 27, 2016 · report flag outlined. ZANU- PF is the national party who led the struggle for independence in Zimbabwe. ZANU- PF stands for Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front. The President of the party is Robert Mugabe who has been the sole ruler leader in the country since the independence of the nation in 1980 from the British colonial rule.

  8. Nov 10, 2020 · abhishekking25. Answer: Great Zimbabwe is the name of the stone ruins of an ancient city near modern day Masvingo, Zimbabwe. ... The city was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, which was a Shona (Bantu) trading empire. Zimbabwe means “stone houses” in Shona. Great Zimbabwe was part of a large and wealthy global trading network.

  9. Jan 31, 2018 · Causes of employment syndrome in Zimbabwe. Unemployment in Zimbabwe is due to quite a number of factors. The following are mainly because of political reasons. (1)Sluggish investment. (2)Weak export performance due to geography and climate. (3)Poor macroeconomic policy environment. (4)The investment or business climate is unfriendly.

  10. May 8, 2019 · Answer: The Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai (MDC–T) is a center-left political party and was the main opposition party in the House of Assembly of Zimbabwe ahead of the 2018 elections. Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe's ruling party was declared winner of the first post-Mugabe elections. But the opposition, which has accused the ...

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