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      • As a girl on the verge of adulthood, she stands in contrast to Peter Pan, a boy who refuses to grow up, the major theme of the Peter Pan stories. Wendy hesitates at first to fly off to Neverland, but she comes to enjoy her adventures. Ultimately, she chooses to go back to her parents and accepts that she has to grow up.
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  2. The eldest Darling child, a “tidy,” practical girl with a soft spot in her heart for orphaned or abandoned creatures. From an early age, Wendy seems naturally disposed to care for others. When the lost boys tell her that they need “a nice motherly person,” Wendy replies happily, “I feel that is exactly what I am”: she is clearly ...

    • Princess Tiger Lily

      Wendy. The eldest Darling child, a “tidy,” practical girl...

    • Mr. Darling

      Get everything you need to know about Mr. Darling in Peter...

    • John

      The middle Darling child. John tends to be cautious and...

    • Peter Pan

      a magical, arrogant boy who will never grow up. Many parents...

    • Chapter 11

      Wendy ’s a story is about a couple called Mr. and Mrs....

    • Plot Summary

      The story begins in the nursery of Darling home, where Mrs....

    • Overview
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    “Wendy, the eldest, not only believed. She was the supreme authority on Peter Pan and all his marvelous adventures.”

    ―The narrator introducing Wendy

    Wendy is an English girl living in London during the Edwardian era in 1902-1904. While her age isn't specified, she is usually portrayed as a preteen on the brink of adolescence. Throughout her childhood, she lived with her parents, George and Mary, her younger brothers, John and Michael, and their dog, Nana, who doubled as their nursemaid.

    Being the eldest child and only daughter of a middle-class family of the era, Wendy served as a heavy influence on John and Michael, specifically in regards to their love of Peter Pan and his lore. She would regularly tell them stories of his various adventures in the supposedly fictitious island of Neverland, most notably the stories of his battles with the villainous Captain Hook. To most people (George, for instance), he and the stories surrounding him were nothing more than a childish fantasy. To Wendy, John, and Michael, however, the legends of him were all too true, and his stories were used to maintain the fun and whimsy of their childhood, despite George and Mary encouraging the act of practical behavior.

    Peter Pan

    Wendy is introduced as the eldest child of George and Mary Darling. According to the narrator, she is an expert on Peter Pan and the source of stories about him. However, when the practical George learns that she is once again telling stories to her two younger brothers, John and Michael, he disciplines her, angrily telling her that it's time for her to grow up, and that night will be her last one in the nursery; the next, she will be forced to have a separate room from her younger brothers. (Dialogue between them strongly suggests that this has been going on for a while now, and him punishing her is an indication that he is fed up with her childish stories.) As Mary is tucking her into bed, Wendy tells her that she does not want to grow up. As Mary goes to close the window, Wendy warns her not to lock it. According to Wendy, she has Peter Pan's shadow, and she is certain that he will come back for it. George and Mary then leave for a party, while also securing Nana to her doghouse outside as George also wanted Nana barred from the nursery as well out of frustration with her when Mary and the kids were more concerned about Nana than him. Later that night, Wendy is awakened and startled when Peter is trying to get his shadow on. Wendy offers to sew it on for him (as he is trying to reattach it with a bar of soap). Through conversation, she learns that he likes to hear her stories. However, when he learns that she is to "grow up" and leave the nursery for good, Peter offers to take her to Never Land where she would never have to grow up. There, she could be the mother of the Lost Boys who live there and tell them many stories. She tries to kiss Peter out of gratitude, but Tinker Bell, who is jealous, pulls her hair causing Peter to chase her around the room trying to shove her with his hat. By this time, John and Michael awaken and are allowed to go with them. Peter sprinkles them with pixie dust, and after a few false tries, they are able to fly by thinking happy thoughts. They then fly to Neverland. When they arrive, they are attacked by Captain Hook. Tinker Bell is asked to lead Wendy, John, and Michael to safety, but soon leaves them behind. By the time Wendy catches up, she is shot at by the Lost Boys, mistaking her for a bird (also called a Wendy-Bird by them). Though she is not hit, she falls towards the ground before being saved by Peter. After scolding the Lost Boys, he introduces her as their new mother and banishes Tinker Bell from Neverland forever as a punishment for lying to the Lost Boys and trying to have Wendy killed by them out of jealousy, but at Wendy's urging, he agrees to lighten the punishment and changes it to a week. Later, Peter announces that Wendy should be the leader of the Lost Boys as she would know best how to capture Indians. However, she declines the offer as she believes that she'd get captured first. Therefore, Peter takes her to go meet the mermaids, who take a jealous dislike for her and attempt to pull her into the water with them and splash her with their tails. Angered, she picks up a seashell and is about to hit them in defense, but she is stopped by Peter who assures her that they were only playing. Suddenly, the lagoon darkens and Peter spots that Captain Hook is close by. Terrified upon learning Captain Hook is coming, the mermaids dive into the water and hide. Peter and Wendy follow Captain Hook to Skull Rock and discover that he has captured the Indian Chief's daughter, Tiger Lily. Wendy watches as Peter defeats him and rescues Tiger Lily, but is left behind when he flies off with Tiger Lily, but tries to keep up. Wendy attends a celebration at the Indian Camp in honor of Peter's rescue of Tiger Lily. However, she is soon put to work gathering firewood. She leaves in a huff when she sees Tiger Lily flirting with Peter. At Hangman's Tree, Wendy decides to go home in the morning with John and Michael, much to Peter's anger. After talking to Michael, she realizes that he is forgetting what home is like and sings to him about Mary. After hearing her song, "Your Mother and Mine", the Lost Boys decide to return with her, infuriating Peter, who believes they are going back to grow up, never to return. As they go to leave, Wendy and the boys are captured by Captain Hook. Wendy remains faithful that Peter will save them until Captain Hook reveals that he has placed a bomb in Hangman's Tree. He gives them the option of joining his crew, but they refuse, with Wendy bravely and defiantly refusing Captain Hook's offer on behalf of her brothers and the Lost Boys, even after they witness the massive explosion from the bomb when it detonates and destroys Hangman's Tree, the concussion nearly sweeping the Jolly Roger out to sea in the process. He then forces Wendy to walk the plank when she still defiantly refuses his offer to join his crew, with Wendy crying as she believes this is the end for her. As she drops, she is rescued in secret by Peter, who had been saved from the bomb by Tinker Bell. He frees Wendy and the boys and she watches them as they take on Captain Hook. After the battle, Peter reveals that he will take Wendy, John, and Michael home, which pleases Wendy. Tinker Bell uses pixie dust to make the Jolly Roger fly. Wendy is next seen asleep on the window seat, where George and Mary find her when they return home. She happily announces that she is ready to grow up, but George reveals that he has changed his mind and decided that she can stay in the nursery. He then notices a ship made of clouds sailing across the Moon and realizes that he saw it when he was young. Wendy is last seen looking at it through the window with him and Mary, as the wind breaks it into clouds itself.

    Return to Never Land

    Wendy reappears as an adult in the sequel 40 years later during the sixth Georgian Era in 1942-1952. By this time, she has married a man named Edward and has two children, a daughter named Jane and a son named Danny, and they also have a dog named Nana II, who looks just like the original Nana, and still lives in her family home in London, but the whereabouts of George, Mary, John, Michael, and Nana are unknown. She still tells them stories about Peter Pan. However, when her children are still young, World War II hits, and Edward leaves with the British army to face off against the Nazis. Eventually, the war takes its toll on Jane, as she lost her childhood innocence and stops believing in Wendy's stories. One day, Wendy reveals to her and Danny that they must be sent to the countryside for safety after being told by a Royal Observer Corps warden that her children are being evacuated to protect them from the Blitz, and asks her to tell stories to Danny. Angry, she ridicules Wendy's stories and their faith in them, in very much the same way as George did in the first film. Wendy appears again at the end of the film when Jane returns with Peter. While she is with Danny, Wendy is able to meet Peter again. He is distraught that she has grown up, but she assures him that she hasn't changed, despite being an adult now. She is last seen reuniting with Edward, who has returned home from the war with the Wehrmacht defeated and their focus now on the Soviet Union and the Red Army instead of Britain.

    Tinker Bell

    A younger version of Wendy who is approximately 6-7 years old before she and her brothers met Peter Pan makes a cameo appearance as a little girl in the prequel. In the middle of the film, Tinker Bell finds a ballerina music box. In the end, Queen Clarion, the queen of the fairies, allows her to travel to the Main Land to return it. When she arrives in London, she leaves it by a window, where Wendy, as a little girl, arrives and takes it in.

    Once Upon a Time

    Wendy and her family made an appearance on the second season of the ABC fairy tale drama, Once Upon a Time. She was played by Freya Tingley. She was dressed in a nightgown that is far more elaborate and frilly than the Disney version, having a yoke and colored white instead of blue; it more closely resembles the version from the 2003 film. One day a boy named Baelfire comes to the Darlings' house to steal some bread. Wendy catches him but lets him eat as much as he likes. They soon become very good friends. She lets him stay in her house in secret, but George and Mary soon discover him. However, they decided to let him live with them after Wendy convinces George to let him stay. During this time, a shadow comes to the nursery window and takes her away to Neverland. The following morning she returns home after realizing how Neverland was not such a happy place after all. The Shadow also let her return home because it wanted to take a boy instead of a girl. She worries through tears that it will take John or Michael away and she will never see them again. That night, after Mary tucks them in for the night and leaves, they try to prevent it from coming but they are unsuccessful. It is about to kidnap Michael but Baelfire tells it to take him instead. It agrees and Wendy, John, and Michael then see him leave their home forever. Some time later, despite Wendy's previous escape from Neverland, she had somehow become Peter's prisoner when she, John, and Michael had returned to Neverland. In exchange for her safety, John and Michael agreed to become Peter's servants. Due to imprisonment on Neverland, Wendy never aged while John and Michael returned home and grew older throughout the years. In the present day, she is used by Peter to cement Henry Mills' loyalty to him by posing as an ill member of the Lost Boys in order to make his goals appear benevolent by trying to help her and Neverland. While this does motivate him, Wendy dislikes lying to him, but he states it is necessary for the truest believer to believe in a goal, his goals. He quickly places her back in prison after she plays her part, indicating that this version cruelly mistreats her unlike the original story or the Disney version. Wendy is eventually freed from Neverland and reunited with John and Michael in Storybrooke.

    Peter Pan & Wendy

    Wendy serves as the female protagonist in the live action remake and is portrayed by Ever Anderson. Wendy is first seen getting her dress ready for boarding school where her mother tells her to not wait for the last minute to pack just as she is on her way to the nursery to get herself ready for the train and as she overhears her brothers, John and Michael pretending to be Peter Pan and Captain Hook, which Wendy has fun playing with John, causing John's sword to hit George's mirror which as George Darling approaches the children, he tells them to give him the swords for being too noisy in the nursery. Wendy talks to her father, telling her that she is too old to have this type of fun for the last night at the nursery just before George takes Nana outside. Seeing the now-broken mirror, Mary Darling approaches her daughter, seeing Wendy's dress ready for the boarding school just before Wendy goes to bed. Wendy's mother approaches her daughter, telling her about the importance of leadership, explaining that if Wendy is lucky enough at a certain age, she goes off to school to get ready for the life ahead of her. Wendy denies, feeling disappointed of not wanting to grow up, which her mother tells her to adjust to the life when she grows up just as she sings "All Grown Up". Peter Pan suddenly arrives at the Darling family's house with his fellow fairy Tinker Bell where Peter approaches Wendy, John, and Michael who are all in bed to which as he arrives, the three suddenly wake up to see Peter Pan in their house. Wendy curiously questions to know how he is real which Peter replies that he likes to hear stories about him, as he found the Darling family's house the perfect place where people believe in him and tell stories about him. However, in a plan to get the children of the Darling family out of the house, he decides to find his shadow to help him fly with him which he suddenly catches his shadow before it goes downstairs. After Peter caught his shadow, Wendy asks him to know how he knew her name which Peter recaps that he heard Wendy's mother Mary call her, but Wendy never wanted to go as Peter was waiting for her to come with him to Neverland. Upon hearing Tinker Bell jingling, Peter tells Wendy that it's time for her and the children to go to Neverland, the place where no one grows up. Peter then tells Wendy, John, and Michael that in order to fly, all they have to do is think of happy thoughts with faith, trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust which Tinker Bell sprinkles Pixie Dust as Wendy finds herself flying, followed by Michael and John flying thanks to the Pixie Dust effect just as Peter and Tinker Bell bring the children to Never Land. As Peter and the children fly past the Big Ben, they fly into the Second Star to the Right where they end up in Neverland, the place where children never grow up. As Wendy, John, and Michael arrive at Neverland, they are suddenly attacked by Captain Hook and his pirate crew firing cannonballs at them, while Peter attempts to lead them to a safe spot to avoid getting hit by cannonballs. Just as they land at the edge of Neverland, Peter sees the Jolly Roger from a distance, telling Wendy, John, and Michael that Captain Hook is the one leading the attack against them. As Peter is devising a plan to the Darlings to distract Hook, Wendy and the rest of the Darlings are suddenly knocked off the ledge as part of Hook's plans to capture Peter. Wendy suddenly finds herself on shore at the beach where she regains her consciousness while planning to look for Tinker Bell as well as Michael, John, and Peter. However, Tiger Lily riding on her horse approaches Wendy who is crying for help, followed by a group of Lost Children who also approach her accusing her of what they did to Peter. At first, Wendy is confused with the "Lost Boys" name due to the team of children having three girls (the Twins and Curly), much to the offense of the Twins. Wendy then recaps that she went flying with Peter Pan but she and her brothers are attacked by Captain Hook and his pirates. As the Lost Children are curious to know what John and Michael look like, Wendy uses Bellweather's telescope to show them what they look like which Wendy sees her brothers held hostage by Hook and his crew of the Jolly Roger. As Hook and his crew set sail for Skull Rock, Slightly alerts Wendy that the crew has headed for Skull Rock, leading Wendy and the children to find John and Michael and then rescue them, alongside Tiger Lily who follows alongside Wendy. While following Tiger Lily, Wendy discusses with the Lost Children about a story of what Peter Pan did to Captain Hook and how he earned his namesake which Tiger Lily alerts them that Hook and his crew have arrived with John and Michael held hostage. Seeing Michael and John who are held hostage, Wendy, the Lost Children, and Tiger Lily notice this just as they see Peter Pan with Tinker Bell on his side to the rescue as the two fight off the pirates. Soon as Wendy notices Peter about to be killed by Hook in fear, Tick Tock the Crocodile emerges from the water and attacks Hook and his crew, just as Peter gets Wendy, John, Michael, and Tiger Lily out of Skull Rock in time. After escaping from Hook, Wendy discusses with Peter that she had a dangerous adventure during her encounter with Captain Hook to which while discussing, she tells Peter if he could beat Captain Hook on his own which Peter replies that he doesn't need any help, just as Peter tells Wendy and the Lost Children that nothing ever changes in Neverland just before Wendy follows alongside her brothers as well as the Lost Children into their hideout. Arriving at the hideout, Wendy attempts to tell a bedtime story to the her siblings and the Lost Children to which while discussing with them, Wendy instead sings a lullaby her mother sang to her when she was at home. Afterwards, Wendy follows Tinker Bell into Peter's room where she approaches Peter who recaps that Captain Hook used to be friends with Peter, just as he describes him as the very first Lost Boy and after Hook left, he betrayed Peter and became a ruthless pirate captain just as Wendy tells Peter that Neverland is not exactly she was expecting just before Wendy exits Peter's room. As Wendy goes downstairs, she finds out that John and Michael have been captured by Captain Hook and his pirate crew, just as Hook captures Wendy, resulting her to be held hostage. With Wendy held hostage with the other children, she tells Captain Hook about the lullaby her mother sings to her as she tries to convince Hook who she really is before he betrayed Peter, telling him that he missed his mother who also sang the song that she sang to him, just as Hook continues recapping that he never saw his mother again, fearing that he would have perished after he was lost at sea and Smee was able to rescue him and was later raised by pirates throughout his life and became Captain Hook. Wendy tries to convince Hook to be friends with Peter, which Hook denies, telling him that his time for joy is lost and everything he could have been has been reduced to his state when he grew up wrong. Hook then tells his fellow crew to send Michael, John, and the Lost Children to walk the plank, much to Wendy's worry. The next day, Wendy became the first victim to walk the plank as part of Hook's evil plans, much to John, Michael, Tinker Bell, and the Lost Children worried that Wendy might face her fate. As Wendy plans to fall into the ocean while walking the plank, Tinker Bell, who escaped from the lantern she was trapped at, saves her from falling into the ocean, while no one onboard the ship hears a splash, as Tinker Bell was the one who saved Wendy in the last minute, much to John, Michael, and the Lost Children reacting in joy while the other pirates react in shock. When Peter, who regained his consciousness, arrives to fight against Hook, Wendy drops the sail onto Hook and his crew. She then fights against Hook's crew during battle, followed by John, Michael, the Lost Children, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell joining the fight. Later when John and Michael are under attack by a pirate who tells them to give him the helm, Wendy turns the wheel while telling everyone to hang onto the ship, causing the pirate crew to fall into the ocean, followed by Mr. Smee falling into the ocean. Wendy then confronts Captain Hook who is about to kill Peter, telling Hook to grow up to which Hook is struck by a cannon fired by two Lost Boys, followed by Hook falling into the ocean. With Captain Hook defeated, Wendy convinces Peter telling him to give the Lost Children a home just as Peter and his friends leave Neverland to give them a home. As the Jolly Roger sets sail back to London, Wendy returns home and reunites with her parents while introducing the Lost Children to her parents, much to her father George surprised that the children came from Neverland. Wendy then approaches Peter on the rooftop of the Darling family's house where Peter recaps that the area where he is at used to be his original home just before his mother scolded him, because Peter would never grow up as well as telling Wendy that he could come back to the Darling family's house as there are people who read stories about Peter Pan. Wendy then tells Peter to look at the right side just before Peter returns to Neverland with Tinker Bell. Just before Tinker Bell leaves, she thanks Wendy for hearing her just before Tink flies to catch up with Peter to return to Neverland just as Wendy bids a farewell to Peter.

    Kingdom Hearts series

    Wendy appears in Neverland in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. In the original game, Wendy was mistakenly believed to be one of the seven "Princesses of Heart", and was kidnapped by Captain Hook as a result. However, upon learning from Maleficent that she is not one of the chosen ones, Riku ordered him to leave all deadweight behind on Neverland, including Wendy, though he refused as a result of how much trouble it was to capture her. Meanwhile, Peter Pan arrives on the Jolly Roger to rescue her and does so after finding her unconscious in the middle of it. After being escorted to London, Wendy awaits Peter's arrival at Big Ben, where after Sora seals the Keyhole hidden in one of Big Ben's clock faces, they share a moment, with her asking him to stay with her in London, though she eventually agrees that Neverland is where he truly belongs and accepts his departure. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Wendy appears as a figment of Sora's memories, where she's used as bait by Captain Hook in order to lure Peter to his doom.

    You Can Fly with Tinker Bell

    Wendy makes appearances in the Disney Interactive game featuring characters from the film.

    Disney Sorcerer's Arena

    Wendy is an unlockable Oceanic Hero and Support character added during the Neverland event. Wendy uses her abilities to summon Shadow clones of her teammates, which assist her throughout the match, while continually supporting her teammates with Offense Up buffs and protecting them from Charm debuffs. Like most of the Peter Pan characters, Wendy has unique synergy with other Peter Pan and Oceanic characters, and gets unique traits on her abilities when used in the Club Conquest mode. Wendy is normally unlocked through the seasonal Neverland event, requiring you to upgrade Captain Hook, Tinker Bell, and Smee in order to unlock her, and then upgrade Wendy alongside them to unlock Peter Pan. Wendy is also a Sorcerer's Student character, meaning she can be used throughout the seasonal Stand Out event to unlock Max Goof and Powerline.

    Wendy appears as a meetable character at the Disney theme parks, dressed as she appeared in the original film (blue hair ribbon holding her ringlet ponytail, light blue nightgown, and black bedroom ballet slippers). A longer-sleeved variation of her nightgown is worn during the cold winter months, more resembling a blue bathrobe than a nightgown or pajamas.

    She used to be rare to meet at Disneyland but would appear semi-often at Walt Disney World (occasionally explaining that she often comes back from the nursery or Neverland).

    •Wendy's facial features are extremely similar to Alice from Alice in Wonderland. It makes sense because both characters were voiced by and modeled after Kathryn Beaumont.

    •Wendy's name comes from one of J.M. Barrie's friends in adulthood, Margaret Henley who died at age five-and-a-half. She called him her "friendy," which came out pronounced "fwendy".

    •Before the book's release, the name Wendy was very uncommon, leading to some crediting the story for inventing it. Though Barrie's work undoubtedly popularized it, it had been used to some extent as a familiar form of the Welsh name Gwendolyn.

    •In some Disney storybooks, Wendy's nightgown and hair ribbon are pink instead of blue.

    •Most illustrations and depictions of Wendy show her wearing nightgowns that have long sleeves; the film and Once Upon a Time are the only two known versions that have her wearing short-sleeved/hemmed ones.

    •Despite not making an appearance in Kinect: Disneyland Adventures, Wendy is mentioned several times by Peter Pan.

    1."Disney’s Live-Action ‘Peter Pan’ Movie Finds Its Wendy and Peter (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety (March 10, 2020).

    2.Character Training for Gaston and Wendy

  3. The Wendy Trilogy, a feminist-minded retelling of the Peter Pan story as a three-song cycle, shows Wendy accepting, rather than refusing, Captain Hook's offer to make her a pirate, and subsequently becoming mistress of the Jolly Roger.

  4. In J. M. Barrie 's original story Peter Pan, Wendy Darling is presented as a young girl, presumably of 12 or 13 years of age, who is responsible, obedient, intelligent, and capable of caring...

  5. The Peter Pan stories also involve the characters Wendy Darling and her two brothers John and Michael, Peter's fairy Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys, and the pirate Captain Hook. The play and novel were inspired by Barrie's friendship with the Llewelyn Davies family.

  6. For Peter, it was a game. Active Themes. Now the narrator jumps to Wendy and her brother’s old home. The narrator considers telling the Darlings in advance about the children’s return, but he imagines that Mrs. Darling would not want him to spoil the children’s surprise.

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