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  1. In case you’re new to this, here’s a brief description of what you’ll see in this online I Ching: The I Ching consists of 64 hexagrams and the various words and images associated with each one. A hexagram is just a stack of six lines – either broken. or solid. Combining these two different kinds of line in groups of six, you get 64 ...

  2. Welcome to Clarity’s I Ching course for beginners. This is really for complete beginners: it starts absolutely from scratch, with no prior knowledge required at all, and by the end you’ll be able to cast and interpret your own readings. (If you’re already comfortable with these basics but sometimes get stuck on interpretation, you might ...

  3. I Ching Reading Service. A full, in-depth exploration of a reading – allowing a full month to understand, absorb and integrate the answer and tackle any further questions it suggests. Here are all the details. Join Clarity to get a regular 'Friends' Notes' email with links to new blog posts and I Ching news.

  4. Full Clarity membership: private forums, Yijing Foundations Course, and more. Line by line, experience-based Yijing commentary by Clarity members. All the essentials to interpret your own I Ching readings with confidence. A glossary of the Yijing’s imagery, omens and key concepts. Journal software for Yijing readings, dreams and synchronicities.

  5. Record the line you have received. This is line 1 of your hexagram, the bottom line. (Remember a hexagram is built from the ground up, like a house.) Repeat the same process five more times, working from the bottom up to the 6th and last line. Write down all six lines, and you have your primary hexagram – the basis for your whole answer.

  6. The I Ching’s two ingredients are two kinds of line: broken (yin) and solid (yang) These are the deep roots of a traditional Chinese idea: the relationship of yang and yin gives rise to all that is. Yang and yin aren’t fixed; they’re ways of relating, and they only exist in relation to one another. You can see that this is true from the ...

  7. So both hexagrams are part of the work of making things possible: clearing and renewing the space that sustains limitless growth. In Hexagram 24, a single yang line is welcomed by five open yin lines above it. ‘Returning, creating success. Going out, coming in, without haste. A partner comes, not a mistake.

  8. Later theory says that the lines of the I Ching can be seen as three pairs: the bottom two are earth, then come the lines of man, then heaven. In Inner Truth, the human space is open to mediate between heaven and earth. The two characters of ‘inner truth’ carry that same idea of connecting heaven and earth. The ideogram ‘inner’, zhong ...

  9. Line by line, experience-based Yijing commentary by Clarity members. All the essentials to interpret your own I Ching readings with confidence. A glossary of the Yijing’s imagery, omens and key concepts. Journal software for Yijing readings, dreams and synchronicities. A quick, 30 minute chat to help you understand your reading – available ...

  10. The Yijing, or I Ching, is an ancient Chinese oracle: its name means Classic Book (Jing or Ching) of Change (Yi or I): Jing, ‘classic book’, is the same word as in ‘Daodejing’ (or ‘Tao Te Ching’), the ‘Book of the Way and its Power’. It literally means the warp threads on the loom. The oracle’s given name is simply Yi: Change.

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