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  1. En Algeciras el protagonista es el río de la Miel, que discurre entre elementos que nos permiten conocer un poco más la historia del sur de Europa. Su cauce viaja entre ruinas, antiguos molinos y puentes, y está abrazado por una exuberante vegetación tropical.

  2. The countryside is stunning, green, fresh, with scattered ruined mills, remains of ancient ways, medieval bridges and huge fresh water pools and waterfalls. The river is the subject for one of the songs included in the Luzia album by Paco de Lucía.

    • How to Get to The Sendero Rio de La Miel
    • What to Expect
    • Things to Consider Before and After Your Hike

    The Sendero Rio de la Miel hiking route begins in the suburb of El Cobre[MAP]. If you are travelling from the centre Algeciras, it takes around 1 to 1½ hours to walk there, so many people make the journey by car. Although there isn’t a car park, as such, there is plenty of room to park on either side of the track that leads to the gate you need to ...

    The start of the hiking route is barred by a gate. It’s probably there to stop people who fancy a dip from trying to drive part of the way. The first part of the route is a wide gravel track so, if there was no gate, it would be very easy to do. To the left of the big gate, there is a smaller gate for pedestrians. It’s partially open and its positi...

    Spain is a hot country and walking the Sendero Rio de la Miel hiking route takes a little time, so I’d advise you to take along something to drink. I took 1 1/2 litres of fruit juice with me and was very glad that I did. If you are feeling thirsty after you have completed the route, there’s a nice bar more or less opposite the start of the track, o...

  3. Valles encajonados estrechos y profundos (canutos), que propician bosques de galería de tipo laurisilva. Amplias panorámicas de cortijadas, huertas, bosque de ribera con matorral mediterráneo y alcornocales. Restos de antiguos molinos harineros hidráulicos.

  4. El río de la Miel de Algeciras ubicado en el Campo de Gibraltar y a 25 km escasos de La Línea, es un río muy cortito de unos 9 kilómetros de recorrido, que nace en la sierra del Bujeo y desemboca en la bahía. Disfrutar de parte del recorrido es posible, y te explicamos cómo programarte el sendero.

  5. Este sendero recorre la ribera del río Miel entre elementos naturales y culturales. Las ruinas de acequias y molinos, el empedrado del suelo, el puente de estilo medieval o la fuente de las Niñas, se dejan ver a duras penas entre la exuberante vegetación de esta selva tropical, último reducto de los bosques que hace millones de años ...

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  7. This tour takes you along Río de la Miel (“River of Honey”). A fascinating path of cultural and natural interest in Algeciras. You can discover an important cultural legacy: ruins of canals and windmills, old roads, bridges medieval style or the Las Niñas Fountain and Source.

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