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  1. Discover Hans Bethe famous and rare quotes. Share Hans Bethe quotations about nuclear weapons, country and atomic bomb. "If we fight a war and win it..."

  2. › wiki › Hans_BetheHans Bethe - Wikiquote

    Feb 21, 2023 · Quotes about Bethe. Together with Peierls, he developed a theory of the deuteron in 1934 which he extended in 1949. He resolved some contradictions in the nuclear mass scale in 1935. He studied the theory of nuclear reactions in 1935-1938, predicting many reaction cross sections.

  3. 2 quotes from Hans Bethe: 'We need science education to produce scientists, but we need it equally to create literacy in the public. Man has a fundamental urge to comprehend the world about him, and science gives today the only world picture which we can consider as valid.

  4. Science Quotes by Hans Albrecht Bethe (10 quotes) [Because a nations level of prosperity depends directly on the amount of energy used,] it is an illusion to think that we can solve our problem by energy conservation alone.

  5. Jul 9, 2015 · Among the latter is a quality that’s best encapsulated in my favorite Bethe quote: “Always work on problems for which you possess an unfair advantage”. Since so many of modern physics’ ansatzs, rules and equations are named after Bethe, I will call this piece of advice ‘Bethe’s Dictum’.

  6. No one any longer pays attention to - if I may call it - the spirit of physics, the idea of discovery, the idea of understanding. I think it's difficult to make clear to the non-physicist the beauty of how it fits together, of how you can build a world picture, and the beauty that the laws of physics are immutable.

  7. Sourced quotations by the German Physicist Hans Bethe (1906 — 2005). Enjoy the best Hans Bethe quotes and picture quotes!

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