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  1. Johann Schwarzhuber (29 August 1904 – 3 May 1947) was a Nazi German SS-Obersturmführer, who was in charge of various concentration subcamps during World War II. His positions included the Schutzhaftlagerführer of the Auschwitz-Birkenau men's camp , where he oversaw the selection process for the gassing of thousands of detainees.

  2. The Americans also passed death sentences on SS doctors Helmuth Vetter and Friedrich Entress at the trial of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp garrison, and Auschwitz II-Birkenau men’s camp director Johann Schwarzhuber at the trial of the FKL Ravensbrück staff.

  3. Johann Schwarzhuber (* 29. August 1904 in Tutzing, Oberbayern; † 3. Mai 1947 in Hameln) war ein deutscher SS-Obersturmführer (1944) und Schutzhaftlagerführer des Männerlagers im KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau .

  4. Johann Schwarzhuber: Deputy camp leader: Death; executed on May 3, 1947 2: Gustav Binder (SS-Mitglied) Warden: Death; executed on May 3, 1947 3: Heinrich Peters (SS-Mitglied) Warden: 15 years imprisonment; released on May 22, 1954 4: Ludwig Ramdohr Gestapo inspector: Death; executed on May 3, 1947 5: Martin Hellinger: Medical doctor

  5. The commandant of Auschwitz II-Birkenau, SS-Obersturmführer Johann Schwarzhuber, visited the camp on 5 March and told the September arrivals that they were soon to be transported to Heydebreck to found a new labor camp. The prisoners were ordered to fill in postcards dated 25 March for their relatives in Theresienstadt; the postdating was a ...

  6. The chief Lagerfuhrer of the men’s camp at Birkenau was SS-Obersturmfuhrer Johann Schwarzhuber, and the women’s camp from August 1943 to January 1944 Franz Hössler. In the women’s concentration camp at Birkenau the function of chief supervisor was: Johanna Langefeld from 26 March to 8 October 1942

  7. Johann Schwarzhuber (Tutzing, 29 août 1904 - Hameln, 3 mai 1947) est un SS-Obersturmführer allemand ayant servi dans les camps de concentration nazis. Biographie [ modifier | modifier le code ] Schwarzhuber se marie en 1936 et est père de deux enfants.

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