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  1. Mar 29, 2022 · This Sciencewise dialogue will enable policymakers to engage with diverse groups of people, to ensure that policy on adapting to climate change is informed by the views and experiences of...

  2. The aims of this dialogue were to explore the public’s views on what a well-adapted England should look like, and how to get there. Findings from the dialogue have informed the third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3), which sets out actions that the UK government will take to prepare the country for climate change in 2023-28.

  3. Mar 22, 2024 · The dialogue explored the public’s perspectives of climate adaptation and how they think the government, businesses and civil society should address it. Findings informed the development of the third National Adaptation Programme, which was launched on 17th July 2023 .

  4. Climate Resilience Dialogue - Main objectives. The main objective of the Dialogue is to narrow this Climate Protection Gap – the gulf between how much is lost and how much is insured - and to find ways to stimulate investment in good adaptation.

  5. Defra conducted a public dialogue to understand public attitudes towards climate adaptation in England in response to the Climate Change Committee’s recommendation. The findings informed the third National Adaptation Programme, launched on July 17, 2023.

  6. The national government is legally mandated to lead adaptation planning in the UK (HM Government, 2008, Part 4, Provision 58). The government is required to respond to the 5-yearly Climate Change Risk Assessment with a National Adaptation Programme (NAP) that outlines how the government will.

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  8. Jul 18, 2023 · Last year, Ipsos, working with the University of Leeds, conducted a public dialogue to explore the public’s perspectives of climate impacts and adaptation and how they think the government, businesses and civil society should contribute.