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  1. One-Day Bathroom Remodeling. Tub to Shower Conversions. Bathroom Renovations. Hassle-free bathroom remodeling in just a day or two!

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  1. 2 days ago · Every area of your house, including the bathroom, has great significance for Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese way of balancing the flow of energy. Often underappreciated, the bathroom is a place where its design and purpose allow energy, or 'Chi,' to readily become imbalanced. An effective application of Feng Shui in the bathroom ensures that this important space enhances the general energy flow ...

  2. 3 days ago · Mirrors shouldn’t be placed directly across from a door, because it can block energy flow. Decor items shouldn’t be “hanging over you” while you’re seated. Don’t place heavy shelving, mirrors, artwork, chandeliers, plants, etc directly over seating areas. This creates a heavy, “dangerous” energy in feng shui.

  3. 3 days ago · Feng Shui emphasises the importance of balancing the energy in your home. Pay attention to the Bagua map, a Feng Shui tool used to identify different areas of energy within a space. Enhance the Fire and Wood areas, which are associated with summer, by adding corresponding colours, decor, or symbolic representations.

  4. 5 days ago · Feng Shui embodies the ancient Chinese practice of orchestrating living spaces to bolster the flow of positive energy, or ‘chi’, resulting in a harmonious, well-balanced environment. Central to this discipline are the five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – which interconnect and interact to establish a natural equilibrium in our surroundings.

  5. 4 days ago · How to Feng Shui Your BathroomFeng Shui Hacks for a Positive Energy Bathroom

  6. 2 days ago · 3 REASONS WHY PALM LEAF WALLPAPER IS GOOD FENG SHUI: PINK & GREEN are the colors of the HEART CHAKRA. If you don't decorate for your chakras or know much about them, that's totally fine. Do a quick search on Pinterest, you can learn a lot about the colors that work with the chakras. When you want to balance your heart, your love and your ...

  7. 3 days ago · Feng shui literally translates to “wind water.” It’s about flow – specifically energy flow. According to masters, the key is to optimise that flow through your home, setting feng shui mirrors to channel it, plug spaces that waste it, and eddy it wherever you want a surplus.

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