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  1. 1 day ago · And fourthly, these are not Thomas Cranmer’s words, but this is a summary of his theology: only the unconditional love of God for sinners inspires sinners to love God more than sin. Gratitude is the fuel of the Christian life. When we see what God’s love has done, is doing and will do, it inspires a loving gratitude to serve him and others.

  2. 1 day ago · As evangelical Anglicans, the liturgy gives reverence, form, and focus to our times of gathered worship. The Book of Common Prayer, first composed by Thomas Cranmer in the 16th century, connects us to the worship and prayer of the earliest Christians, the teachings of the apostles, and Gospel-center

  3. 1 day ago · It is difficult to say whether these feats were the work of the king or his chief minister, Thomas Cromwell. The will was probably Henry’s and the parliamentary means his minister’s, but, whoever was responsible, by 1547 England had come a long way on the road of Reformation.

  4. 1 day ago · thomas cranmer (1489-1556) “A bishop may make a priest by the Scripture, and so may princes and governors also, and that by authority of God committed to them, and the people also by their election: for as we read that bishops have done it, so Christian Emperors and princes usually have done it, and the people, before Christian princes were, commonly did elect their bishops and priests.

  5. 3 days ago · Written primarily by Thomas Cranmer, the first prayer book of Edward VI was a literary masterpiece but a political flop, for it failed in its purpose. It sought to bring into a single Protestant fold all varieties of middle-of-the-road religious beliefs by deliberately obscuring the central issue of the exact nature of the mass—whether it was ...

  6. 3 days ago · Thomas Cranmer (14891556), editor and co-author of the first and second Books of Common Prayer. Only after Henry VIII's death and the accession of Edward VI in 1547 could revision of prayer books proceed faster. [10] .

  7. 3 days ago · Thomas Cartwright was a leading Puritan and promoter of presbyterianism in the reign of Elizabeth I. There were objections over the prayer book, including certain formulas and responses, the sign of the cross in baptism, the surplice and use of a wedding ring in marriage.

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