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  1. Feb 3, 2013 · Hello everybody, I encountered these words in a book, the author writes: "You and I know that the best way to shaft a boss these days -to transform him into a shaftee with you being the shaftor- is to do precisely what he or she tells you to" My attempt: "Tú y yo sabemos que la mejor forma de...

  2. May 24, 2008 · Hi!!!! The Spanish word is: manga. manga: (mecánica) cilindro, pieza tubular. hope this helps,

  3. Dec 20, 2007 · A flat is an apartment. Some apartment buildings are built around a center courtyard that allows air to circulate into the apartment windows that face it. These apartment would not have exterior windows without it.The resulting area is called an air shaft and one can look directly across the shaft into the apartment across the way.

  4. Mar 7, 2007 · "Shaft of a journal bearing", sí entiendo completamente. Un journal bearing es un tipo que se describe abajo. De Wikipedia: A journal bearing is a simple bearing in which a shaft, or "journal", rotates in the bearing with a layer of oil or grease separating the two parts through fluid dynamic effects. The shaft and bearing are generally both ...

  5. Jul 20, 2006 · The balancer shaft rotate at twice the engine speed, the driver shaft in the opposite direction to the driven shaft. El eje de balanceo se giro al doble la rpm del motor, mientras que el eje de mando se gira en dirección opuesto al eje mandado.

  6. Shaft的意思是圆柱体的杆状物,它一般表示在机械中主要承担传动的长轴或主轴。 它还有另一个意思,就是竖井,这是因为竖井的主要组成是由卷扬机来完成输送人员和矿石的功能的。

  7. Feb 19, 2016 · The handle turned, the door unclosed, and passing through and curtseying low, I looked up at--a black pillar!--such, at least, appeared to me, at first sight, the straight, narrow, sable-clad shape standing erect on the rug: the grim face at the top was like a carved mask, placed above the shaft by way of capital. === Hi everyone!

  8. Jul 23, 2008 · In this case: [FONT=TT E 1 A 93 B 70 T 00+ 1]The disk is rabbeted on the forward and aft face to join mating stage 2-4 stage 0 disk, and the forward shaft. [/FONT] [/FONT] [/FONT] [/FONT] [FONT=TT E 1 A 93 B 70 T 00+ 1] [FONT=TT E 1 A 93 B 70 T 00+ 1] [FONT=TT E 1 A 93 B 70 T 00+ 1] It seems to make sense to me if I think in nautical terms, but when I think of a turbine for a plane, then I get ...

  9. Sep 12, 2007 · shaft - a vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator) shaft - (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column (sinonimo: scape ) elevator shaft - a vertical shaft in a building to permit the passage of an elevator from floor to floor

  10. Aug 1, 2005 · " the usage of wrench far nut of main shaft: Little wrench (1) clamp the chief shaft far nut turoing, and turn big wrench..." I think the word turoing is a misspelling but no idea of the translation of "far" in far nut: tuerca de...

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