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  1. 2 days ago · In midsummer, troops under Liu Bocheng started moving toward the Yangtze; by late in the year the communists had concentrated strong forces in central China.

  2. 5 days ago · 刘伯承 (1892年12月4日—1986年10月7日),名 明昭,字 伯承,小名 孝生, 以字行 [1],曾用名 刘伯坚,男, 四川 开县 (今 重庆市 开州区)人,近代 中国 军事家 [2]:516,中华人民共和国 十大元帅 之一, 中國人民解放軍 創始人和締造者之一,原 正国级 领导人。 刘伯承早年从军,参加 护国战争 和 护法战争,右眼负伤致残。 1926年,他加入 中国共产党,任 国民革命军 四川各路总指挥、暂编第十五军军长。 1927年参加领导了 南昌起义,任中共前敌委员会参谋团参谋长。 后留学苏联,先后在高级步兵学校及 伏龙芝军事学院 学习,1930年回国。

  3. 5 days ago · 劉伯承 (1892年12月4日—1986年10月7日),名 明昭,字 伯承,小名 孝生, 以字行 [1],曾用名 劉伯堅,男, 四川 開縣 (今 重慶市 開州區)人,近代 中國 軍事家 [2]:516,中華人民共和國 十大元帥 之一, 中國人民解放軍 創始人和締造者之一,原 正國級 領導人 ...

  4. 3 days ago · Liu Guogeng, a platoon commander in the 63rd Army, was killed at about 4:00 a.m. on June 4, just west of Xidan; [3] Cui Guozheng, a private in the 39th Army, was stabbed to death on a pedestrian bridge at Chongwenmen at about 4:40 am; [ 3 ]

  5. 4 days ago · Without the artillery, building strongholds has become a problem again. According to the instructions of Liu Deng, the Luxi Military Region issued an urgent task to the First Ordnance Factory: imitating the Type 92 infantry artillery. After the hardships of imitating a cannon.

  6. 2 days ago · In January 1938, he was appointed as Political Commissar of the 129th division of the Eighth Route Army commanded by Liu Bocheng, starting a long-lasting partnership with Liu.

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  8. 5 days ago · Another impressive residence, on the west side of the hutong, which is large in scale and has wire mesh protection on the top of the building, it said by local residents to have been the residence of Liu Bocheng (1892-1986), the former founder and commander of China's Liberation Army.

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