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  1. The daily newspaper 24 Chasa (24 Hours) is seen as a pioneer of the free Bulgarian press. After the fall of communism it became one of the first independent media to quickly develop into a mass-circulation newspaper and hence a leader of public opinion. However even today it is frequently accused of exploiting its influence for political ...

  2. 24 Chasa. Die Tageszeitung 24 chasa (24 Stunden) gilt als Vorreiterin der freien bulgarischen Presse. Nach dem Sturz des Kommunismus entwickelte sie sich als eines der ersten unabhängigen Medien rasch zum Massenblatt und somit zum Leitmedium. Allerdings wird ihr bis heute häufig vorgeworfen, ihren Einfluss auf die öffentliche Meinungsbildung ...

  3. Apr 15, 2024 · The Iranian attack is not the beginning of a war, says 24 Chasa: “It can be described as a successful performance in which all the players, including the Western partners the US, the UK and France, were prepared for their roles so that everything remained under control and within the specified framework.

  4. e-vestnik. e-vestnik (e-newspaper) was founded in 2007 by the Bulgarian journalist Ivan Bakalov, who is also its publisher and editor-in-chief. Bakalov had previously worked as a reporter and editor for various dailies including 24 Chasa and Dnevnik. e-vestnik features original reportages, photo reportages, interviews and commentary pieces on ...

  5. Apr 1, 2019 · Theresa May's strategy has come to nothing, writes 24 Chasa: “May can postpone Brexit until 22 May, or even secure an 18-month transition phase, but that will weaken her position vis-à-vis the EU in the long term. The leaders of the EU states have repeatedly made it clear that they won't make any more compromises.

  6. Mar 3, 2017 · Bulgaria should help its local producers instead of attacking multinational food companies, the daily 24 Chasa advises: “We should create a market in which local producers have a chance to win the consumers' favour. There should be more Bulgarian food producers.

  7. Jul 8, 2019 · Left-wing Greeks get a conservative government. The conservative majority in parliament is unjust, 24 Chasa criticises: “The elections in Greece have shown how ironic history can be. The winner is Nea Dimokratia, the conservative neo-liberal party that was responsible for Greece becoming mired in debt. The loser is Syriza, which had to pick ...

  8. Mar 21, 2023 · China is pursuing its own interests in Russia with cold ruthlessness, 24 Chasa observes: “The Russians expected Beijing to commit to building the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline, but nothing of the sort has happened. China just wants to buy with heavy discounts without making commitments.

  9. Feb 7, 2023 · Many people in Syria have already gone through much suffering as a result of the civil war, 24 Chasa underlines: “But at least before they had homes or lived in refugee camps. Now all we see is the collapsed ruins of the buildings where these people had to live after years of fighting, and they are forced to live among the ruins of the previous ruins.

  10. Nov 6, 2017 · Tax havens also have a positive side, 24 Chasa writes commenting on the Paradise Papers leak: “Everyone is free to do as they please with their money as long as they pay their taxes and social contributions. Whether they put it in the bank, under their mattress or send it to the Cayman Islands, that's their own free choice.

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