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  1. Warzone. Warzone 1st Edition. Mutant Chronicles Warzone - Rulebook (29 MB ENG) / (72 MB POL) Mutant Chronicles Warzone - Beasts Of War (15 MB ENG) / (30 MB POL) Mutant Chronicles Warzone - Dawn Of War (14 MB ENG) / (33 MB POL) Mutant Chronicles Warzone - Casualties of War (24 MB ENG) / (62 MB POL) Mutant Chronicles Warzone - Dark Eden (46 MB ...

  2. Warzone is a tabletop miniature wargame based on the Mutant Chronicles universe and role-playing game. It features squad-based combat at a skirmish level, although vehicles and large models were introduced in later supplements to the main rule book.

  3. May 2, 2023 · You could download the Core Rules, buy a Combat Patrol (which contains all the unit dataslates for your units) and play a very basic game with a nice force for 160 USD (Free shipping btw)

  4. Oct 29, 2017 · Warzone Resurrection takes place in the Mutant Chronicles universe – a dystopian future in which the nations of old Earth are no more, subsumed into the megacorporations – unimaginably vast empires which care more about their assets than the common man.

  5. Mutant Chronicles: Warzone Resurrection can be played from small skirmish fights of a squad or two, to large scale battles. Iconic heroes from the Mutant Chronicles universe lead their forces to victory! 460+ pages or full color rules and background material on each unit.

  6. Jul 21, 2021 · Warzone and Mutant Chronicles combines loads of brilliant concepts from corporate dystopia to cosmic horror, 80's action films to dieselpunk and despite having been around for the best part of 30 years now, it still holds together remarkably well.

  7. Warzone Resurrection is a 32mm scale tabletop skirmish wargame for two or more players, each fielding units of warriors drawn from one of the mighty MegaCorporations of Mankind, the Brotherhood or its vile enemy, the Dark Legion.

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