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  1. › documents › s24260Health and care in Coventry

    Healthwatch is the consumer champion for health and social care in Coventry. We work to influence the planning and delivery of NHS and social care services based on what local people tell us. We are independent of services (such as hospitals and GPs) and decide our own programme of work. We have a statutory role and legal powers including the

  2. This course features a range of current and management theories relevant to the health and social care sectors. In addition, it also explores multi-cultural and international dimensions of healthcare management. The course is designed to develop your entrepreneurial skills and offer support with seeking employment opportunities 2.

  3. The Gross Adult Social Care Spend in 2022/23 minus citizens and other contributions was £118.8m as shown below. This compares to a spend of £110.4m in 2021/22. The largest element of the increase relates to spend on people. £91.5m spent on people. £20m spend on community, assessment and overheads.

  4. Contact us: Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Coventry, CV6 6NY. Telephone: 024 7636 2100. Email:

  5. The Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Care Partnership brings together health and social care services, local authorities, voluntary and community sector organisations and other partners. Our aim is to deliver life-long health and wellbeing benefits for the people of Coventry and Warwickshire. In order to make this happen we are making the ...

  6. Trusts, Community Health Trusts, GPs, Primary Care services with Local Authorities and other care providers. These aim to bring organisations together to redesign, improve support and outcomes for residents. Adult Social Care in Coventry is one of several . health and care organisations across Coventry . and Warwickshire, making up the Coventry and

  7. • An integrated health and care system – health and social care commissioners and providers working together to commission and deliver services in Coventry We will make sure that all of our plans and activities consider each of these components and – most importantly – the connections between them. We recognise

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