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  1. Elliott Roosevelt was born on February 28, 1860. He was the third of the four Roosevelt siblings. As Elliott and Theodore grew up, they were very competitive with each other. Competitions of physical ability were often documented in Theodore’s journals. At a young age, Elliott was more academically successful than Theodore and appeared to be ...

  2. Jan 31, 2018 · Eleanor Roosevelt reviews Army Air Corps troops with son Elliott Roosevelt during her visit to England. NPx 75-4(31) Elliott Roosevelt: Doing All He Can to Get Into the Fighting. Second eldest son Elliott Roosevelt could have avoided serving in World War II, having been classified as 4-F because of poor eyesight.

  3. Elliott Roosevelt (socialite) (1860–1894), m. Anna Rebecca Hall, a descendant of the Livingston family. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962), First Lady of the United States, delegate to the United Nations, m. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Sr. Elliott Roosevelt Jr. (1889–1893) Gracie Hall Roosevelt (1891–1941), 1st m. Margaret Richardson, 2nd m.

  4. Elliott Roosevelt (1860-1894), nicknamed "Ellie" or "Nell," was the third child of Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha (Mittie) Bulloch Roosevelt. He was also the father of First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt and the younger brother of President Theodore Roosevelt. Elliott, who inherited his mother’s good looks, was named for her side of the family.

  5. Roosevelt had two younger brothers: Elliott Jr. and Hall. She also had a half-brother, Elliott Roosevelt Mann, through her father's affair with Katy Mann, a servant employed by the family. [18] Roosevelt was born into a world of immense wealth and privilege, as her family was part of New York high society called the "swells". [19]

  6. Elliott Roosevelt, Jr. b. 14 July 1936 m. 24 January 1959 Jo Anne McFadden b. 7 November 1937 Laura Roosevelt b. 14 June 1960 m. 25 January 1986 W. A. Chammah b. 12 April 1955 Alexandra Roosevelt Chammah b. 3 January 1988 Elliott Roosevelt III b. 23 February 1963 Elizabeth Roosevelt b. 24 August 1965 m. 30 August 1991 Seth Thomas Kelly

  7. Elliott Roosevelt, son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was born in New York City on September 23, 1910. He was a brigadier general in the Air Force during World War II, and held a variety of jobs, including Advertising Executive, Editor, Radio Broadcaster, and President of a company.

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