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  1. Sep 9, 2022 · The name Eli first occurs in the Hebrew Bible in the book of Samuel. In this book, Eli is the High Priest and Judge of Samuel. As a figure of piety and guidance, the name Eli is instilled in this Jewish history and is a variation on “Ali.”

  2. Jun 9, 2016 · One of the most intriguing things about Abiathar is his name, which has an interesting range of meaning. “āḇ” means “father” in Hebrew. The second part of his name comes from the Hebrew word yāṯār meaning “remainder,” or “what is left over,” and is also related to the idea of “abundance.”. Therefore, his name can mean ...

  3. Mark 15:34. New International Version. 34 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).[ a] Read full chapter.

  4. Dec 20, 2022 · This Hebrew word, Rapha, is used sixty times in the Old Testament, and it means to “restore, to heal, to cure and to repair.”. For example, in 1 Kings 18:30 says Elijah, “repaired (raphe) the altar of Jehovah.”. Meaning, he brought the altar back to its original state. God calls Himself Jehovah Rapha, and He wants to restore, heal, cure ...

  5. 1) Understand Scripture literally, unless it is clear that it is figurative. The first principle is that we must understand Scripture literally, unless it is clear that our passage is figurative. In our study, Matthew 15:21-28, it is clear that the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” (v. 24), “the children” (v. 26), “dogs” (v. 26-27 ...

  6. Jun 13, 2022 · We may have noticed that many names for God include “El, Elohim, Elah, and others. El typically refers to God. But Roi describes another attribute of God to the equation. El Roi means “The God who sees me.”. Ro’iy in Hebrew can be translated as a shepherd or as seeing, looking, or gazing. When we feel most invisible and forgotten by ...

  7. The basic doctrine means that the Bible can be understood by people through the enli ghtenment of the Holy Spirit and that people need to search the Scripture and judge for themse lves what i t means. Scripture itself attests its own per spicuity, but not to the point that it cannot be misunderstood or is in every point equally simple and clear.

  1. Non-religious explanations and history. Stories. Dimension of Life explained. Good read. An explanation of what it was about, how it came together, what ancient mystery is about.

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