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  1. It’s a strict diet, also called the ‘Greenlane’ or ‘Sacred Heartdiet, that claims to help people lose up to 4.5kg (10lb) over three days. It requires followers to eat specific combinations of foods across the three days, many of which aren’t particularly healthy, including hot dogs, salty crackers and ice cream.

  2. Lose 10lb in 3 days with the British Heart Foundation Diet! Nutritionally balanced & low calorie. Full three day meal plan and advice on our blog.

  3. Planning your meals in advance can help you to make healthier choices, save money and reduce waste. We’ve planned a week of meals that will give you a balanced, heart-healthy diet whilst helping you to control your spending. Amounts given are per person.

  4. Three Days Meal. Let’s have a look at the meals you can have in three days to bring you in sleek body shape. First Day. Breakfast – You can have half grapefruit, sugar-less tea or black coffee, one slice of toast made of wholegrain bread with spoonful of peanut butter etc. in breakfast.

  5. Eating a healthy diet can help reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease and stop you from gaining too much weight, reducing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also help lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of some cancers.

  6. Oct 6, 2020 · The 3-Day Cardiac Diet requires dieters to follow a strict meal plan for 3 consecutive days and a normal diet for the remainder of the week.

  7. The British Heart Foundation diet and the cabbage diet -- commonly called the cabbage soup diet -- are both rapid-weight-loss programs that promise you can lose weight quickly and easily by adhering to highly detailed daily menu plans 1 2 3.

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