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  1. Snake · 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2036

    • Today's chinese horoscope for Snake

      A friend or family member needs an ego check. They talk the talk but rarely walk the walk. Can you explain your irritation without being rude? It's possible this person's bravado comes from insecurity.

    • This week's Chinese horoscope for Snake

      This week, you are a bright beacon for a friend. The week begins on Sunday, July 21, with the Yang fire Dog day. It is also the full moon. Snake, it’s likely you’re feeling energized and eager for physical activity. Today, you might be engaging in an activity like mountain biking or hiking or pursuing a hands-on project involving wood or ...

    • This month's Chinese horoscope for Snake

      The month of July brings Snake natives the I Ching hexagram of mountain over fire (22). Snake, you are the most charming of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, and charm is what opens doors this month. Your interactions can proceed beautifully. Your sense of aesthetics is perfection. You radiate elegance and sophistication at this tim...
