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  1. Jun 5, 2024 · David Scott, who has died at the age of 83 following a short illness, was a colossus of Scottish journalism. His career would see him cut his reporting teeth as a teenager on the Edinburgh...

    • Bernard Ponsonby
  2. Jun 26, 2024 · Scott joined the BBC in 1968 and his reporting there was instrumental in helping to overturn the conviction of the Glasgow safe-blower Paddy Meehan, who had been wrongly jailed for the murder of...

  3. Aug 27, 2024 · David Haig Scott, who died on 9 August after a brief but defiant battle with cancer, was never less than excellent company: interesting, gregarious, generous and funny.

    • Keith Aitken
    • Overview
    • Early life
    • Initial explorations
    • Opening the interior

    David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary, doctor, abolitionist, and explorer who lived in the 1800s. He sought to bring Christianity, commerce, and “civilization” to Africa and undertook three extensive expeditions throughout much of the continent.

    What was David Livingstone’s childhood like?

    David Livingstone was one of seven children born to poor, religious parents. The family lived in a single room in a tenement, and Livingstone went to work at a cotton mill at age 10. He was brought up in the Calvinist faith of the Scottish church but later joined an independent Christian congregation.

    Why is David Livingstone famous?

    In 1855 David Livingstone became the first European to see Victoria Falls (at the border of modern Zambia and Zimbabwe); he named them for Queen Victoria. In that same expedition he became the first European to cross the width of the African continent. His work and discoveries had an important influence on Western attitudes toward Africa.

    David Livingstone (born March 19, 1813, Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland—died May 1, 1873, Chitambo [now in Zambia]) Scottish missionary and explorer who exercised a formative influence on Western attitudes toward Africa.

    Livingstone grew up in a distinctively Scottish family environment of personal piety, poverty, hard work, zeal for education, and a sense of mission. His father’s family was from the island of Ulva, off the west coast of Scotland. His mother, a Lowlander, was descended from a family of Covenanters, a group of militant Presbyterians. Both were poor, and Livingstone was reared as one of seven children in a single room at the top of a tenement building for the workers of a cotton factory on the banks of the Clyde. At age 10 he had to help his family and was put to work in a cotton mill, and with part of his first week’s wages he bought a Latin grammar. Although he was brought up in the Calvinist faith of the established Scottish church, Livingstone, like his father, joined an independent Christian congregation of stricter discipline when he came to manhood. By this time he had acquired those characteristics of mind and body that were to fit him for his African career.

    In 1834 an appeal by British and American churches for qualified medical missionaries in China made Livingstone determined to pursue that profession. To prepare himself, while continuing to work part-time in the mill, he studied Greek, theology, and medicine for two years in Glasgow. In 1838 he was accepted by the London Missionary Society. The first of the Opium Wars (1839–42) put an end to his dreams of going to China, but a meeting with Robert Moffat, the notable Scottish missionary in southern Africa, convinced him that Africa should be his sphere of service. On November 20, 1840, he was ordained as a missionary; he set sail for South Africa at the end of the year and arrived at Cape Town on March 14, 1841.

    For the next 15 years, Livingstone was constantly on the move into the African interior: strengthening his missionary determination; responding wholeheartedly to the delights of geographic discovery; clashing with the Boers and the Portuguese, whose treatment of the Africans he came to detest; and building for himself a remarkable reputation as a dedicated Christian, a courageous explorer, and a fervent antislavery advocate. Yet so impassioned was his commitment to Africa that his duties as husband and father were relegated to second place.

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    From Moffat’s mission at Kuruman on the Cape frontier, which Livingstone reached on July 31, 1841, he soon pushed his search for converts northward into untried country where the population was reputed to be more numerous. This suited his purpose of spreading the Gospel through “native agents.” By the summer of 1842, he had already gone farther north than any other European into the difficult Kalahari country and had familiarized himself with the local languages and cultures. His mettle was dramatically tested in 1844 when, during a journey to Mabotsa to establish a mission station, he was mauled by a lion. The resulting injury to his left arm was complicated by another accident, and he could never again support the barrel of a gun steadily with his left hand and thus was obliged to fire from his left shoulder and to take aim with his left eye.

    On January 2, 1845, Livingstone married Moffat’s daughter, Mary, and she accompanied him on many of his journeys until her health and the family’s needs for security and education forced him to send her and their four children back to Britain in 1852. Before this first parting with his family, Livingstone had already achieved a small measure of fame as surveyor and scientist of a small expedition responsible for the first European sighting of Lake Ngami (August 1, 1849), for which he was awarded a gold medal and monetary prize by the British Royal Geographical Society. This was the beginning of his lifelong association with the society, which continued to encourage his ambitions as an explorer and to champion his interests in Britain.

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    With his family safely in Scotland, Livingstone was ready to push Christianity, commerce, and civilization—the trinity that he believed was destined to open up Africa—northward beyond the frontiers of South Africa and into the heart of the continent. In a famous statement in 1853 he made his purpose clear: “I shall open up a path into the interior, or perish.” On November 11, 1853, from Linyanti at the approaches to the Zambezi and in the midst of the Makololo peoples whom he considered eminently suitable for missionary work, Livingstone set out northwestward with little equipment and only a small party of Africans. His intention was to find a route to the Atlantic coast that would permit legitimate commerce to undercut the slave trade and that would also be more suitable for reaching the Makololo than the route leading through Boer territory. (In 1852 the Boers had destroyed his home at Kolobeng and attacked his African friends.) After an arduous journey that might have wrecked the constitution of a lesser man, Livingstone reached Luanda on the west coast on May 31, 1854. In order to take his Makololo followers back home and to carry out further explorations of the Zambezi, as soon as his health permitted—on September 20, 1854—he began the return journey. He reached Linyanti nearly a year later on September 11, 1855. Continuing eastward on November 3, Livingstone explored the Zambezi regions and reached Quelimane in Mozambique on May 20, 1856. His most spectacular visit on this last leg of his great journey was to the thundering, smokelike waters on the Zambezi at which he arrived on November 16, 1855, and with typical patriotism named Victoria Falls after his queen. Livingstone returned to England on December 9, 1856, a national hero. News from and about him during the previous three years had stirred the imagination of English-speaking peoples everywhere to an unprecedented degree.

    Livingstone recorded his accomplishments modestly but effectively in his Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (1857), which quickly sold more than 70,000 copies and took its place in publishing history as well as in that of exploration and missionary endeavour. Honours flowed in upon him. His increased income meant that he was now able to provide adequately for his family, which had lived in near poverty since returning to Britain. He was also able to make himself independent of the London Missionary Society. After the completion of his book, Livingstone spent six months speaking all over the British Isles. In his Senate House address at Cambridge on December 4, 1857, he foresaw that he would be unable to complete his work in Africa, and he called on young university men to take up the task that he had begun. The publication of Dr. Livingstone’s Cambridge Lectures (1858) roused almost as much interest as his book, and out of his Cambridge visit came the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa in 1860, on which Livingstone set high hopes during his second expedition to Africa.

  4. Aug 29, 2021 · View David Escott's obituary to find out the funeral details, post messages of condolence, and light a candle in their memory.

  5. David Scott obituary: tenacious journalist who interviewed killers. His career started at the time of mass circulation newspapers and he would stop at nothing to scoop his rivals.

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